what u mean?
Only weirdness I can see is that her mouth is just a bit too open, as if someone were purposely widening their mouth while talking. It's small but it does kinda nag at me.
I mean her face looks kinda synthetic by today's standards and I thought her hair was in fact a head cover or something. It's not bad but it's leaving a bit more to be desired. Maybe they should finally ditch Gamebryo for TES6.
i doudt they will just ditch bc the power of the engine for modding, one of the main reasons they keep improving it, she still look really good. For me DA character have a lot of issues when it come to how they look and interact.
Personally I think she looks fine. Piper's animation and facial details are light years ahead of anything Bethesda has achieved in previous games.
Looks fine to me. A monumental improvement over previous entries. Don't really care if it doesn't stack up to other developers who focus solely on such things, because none of them make games even remotely as good or engaging as Bethesda. Most of those other developer's games are OK, but I've never spent anywhere near a thousand hours in a Bioware, CD Projekt, or Rock Star game.
Piper looks good, and is fully functional and serviceable. I personally would rather hear more about the living world we are about to sink hundreds of hours into and things like crafting systems, weapon systems, explosives, survival modes, quest design, level design and map locations....you know things that we play Bethesda games for...than how close they are to approaching Bioware-type on-screen interaction presentations...which is not near enough of an offset to cover their absurd mediocrity...but I digress
yeah, this, i mean isnt at the same level of Witcher 3, but is up to part with DA, only critic i have is hear animation, but maybe is there, i dont know.
Plus i dont like that every game look like Wticher 3, i think Bethesda have done a beautiful job, the robot now have a lot more life, and same goes for each of the armor we have look, they look super up to part with other game.
Wow, some people are funny on this thread. She looks fine to me. At least she's animated when speaking instead of being stiff.
Her mouth animation definitely looks a bit off, but that may just be a result of lip sync being thrown off from the compression of the video.
Other than that she looks fine. If you wanted a super attractive follower, I'm sure there will be a mod for that soon enough.
Edit: Do threads not get locked after 200 posts anymore?
Other games use locked cameras and specific camera angles when talking to characters for up close facial animations, they can really focus on getting the mouth movement and facial expressions just so... As we know, in F4, we can just turn around and walk away from a conversation or shoot someone in the face. So, no locked camera means that some of that detail just isn't going to be there.
Depends on if/when a mod sees it. This will probably be locked as soon as a mod comes on.