But that seems more like a syncing problem, because a few more words don't look right coming out as well.
Newspaper reporters usually have a knack for being "Mouthy".
My thougths too, to be honest.
Anyway, this was such a good surprise for me. I'm glad that the characters are looking so real and lively compared to the previous games. Actually, this adds too much weight in my hype train.
Stop please, just stop, show mercy Bethesda.
Her mouth is a bit janky. Something about the way it's rigged seems very tight in it's movements.
Compared to our character she also looks very plasticy but it's a huge step up from Skyrim, so i'm happy and looking forward to seeing more footage!
Really the whole unibrow thing was more of a adjuration Exaggeration, though she does have pretty big eye brows. :-p
She is not "fine" by any stretch of imagination, look at her mouth when she speaks and her arms.
I am scared.
She does look a bit like a potato. An unsynced potato no less.
You didn't hear that from me though, apparently not liking her looks makes you a person who has "unrealistic" standards of beauty and wants only barbie doll levels of perfection or something
Definitely no unibrow.
I noted an issue with the mouth also. But it's something I can get over.
I think it looks that way due to those long gloves she's wearing connecting her hands and arms. Her wrists look like they are part of her forearm. Still, they do look a little long in some angles.
Some girls just have large eyebrows.
I get that impression also, it's funny what people think looks realistic, and not realistic, I've meet around a thousand women in my life so far and 90% of them looked far better then Piper in the video. /shrug
true, but she looks more realistic then piper, also prettier.
Eye of the beholder, people. Eye of the beholder.
She looks thematically fitting and unique.
I'm curious to find out more about this character but the moment i get a quest to go to a raider supermarket or minefield because she's writing an article, i'm blowing up the town.
I think Piper looks fairly decent. The lip-sync could be smoother, but the body movement, especially at the 0:12 point, is very good, IMO. Sure, she's not super good looking or anything, but where are you going to get makeup in the post-apocalypse? That's probably pretty low on the priority list. Most women we see every day have some amount of makeup on, even if it is just "natural" makeup or a touch of eyeliner or something. Also, we're talking the post-apocalypse - radiation is fairly common, lots of acid rain, dust storms, lack of medical and dental care - I'm surprised most of the NPCs aren't missing several teeth, have pox marks from having survived some left-over biological weapon or re-surfaced disease and so forth. I'd bet most of those people's skin would feel almost like leather to us.
Really, ccompared to previous Bethesda games, I'd say she's a massive improvement! Sure, they could tweak her a bit, but I wouldn't avoid her as a Companion, that's for sure.
She'll probably look a little better when your playing the game and see her yourself. If she still doesn't suit your fancy well, its a guarantee there will be mods to fix that for you.
I don't at all see a unibrow, but my first thought about her were "yeah, I can see myself hating her"
For real though I like her design. Like someone else posted, she's attractive in a natural sort of way.
haha my thoughts exactly when I saw that clip
Her attire reminds me of a New York cab driver from the 1970s
Her eyebrows are fine. That planet of the apes jaw is offputting though. Not even on a sixual level, more on a visceral disgust of a lovecraftian hybrid.
Her mouth is like that of a xenomorph; I half expected the little jaw to shoot out at any moment.