Seriously? People are picking apart a game characters facial features? Also.. *Geee.. sure is weird that it's the female companion that everyone is focused on*.... "I was up for hours staring at her face and i found a bunch of flaws... I think."
Seriously? People are picking apart a game characters facial features? Also.. *Geee.. sure is weird that it's the female companion that everyone is focused on*.... "I was up for hours staring at her face and i found a bunch of flaws... I think."
Exactly. She's no ravishing beauty, but she doesn't have a unibrow, and she's attractive.
Have any of you who think she is ugly stepped out of the house recently? Seen a person in real life before Photoshop or Hollywood casting happens?
I'm just excited to see NPCs gesturing and using body language as they talk. Skyrim was an improvement in that NPCs could still do things while talking to you, but they still fell into the "stare awkwardly straight ahead at you" dead-eyed conversation of Fallout 3's NPCs when not moving around.
I think she is cute. Beside Nora and Serana I think she is the best looking Bethesda character.
Lol one of the tags is ghoul
I see much prettier girls than Piper just walking down the street. But then I'm not really concerned with her attractiveness, just her alien mouth.
I like the look of piper, not overly sixualized at all. Only thing I don't like is that hat but that's personal preference.
She got a mouth made for all the sixual tricks you can do in fallout 4. Bioware romance ain't got nothin' on Bethesda now!
You just nailed what was bothering me about her. I wasn't quite sure what exactly put me off about her at first but now after reading your post I can see that she really isn't that ugly but just gives off that uncanny valley feel.
Haha I totally agree, the mouth is just horrible. It reminds me of
I'm just not seeing it. Maybe I'm some casul shmuck, maybe my glasses are out of wack, but she still seems perfectly fine to me.
The silver lining here is that at least the facial animations in TES 6 will be a lot better than Skyrim.
Yeah but with this game, I'm fairy confident Bethesda isn't using facial capture in their character creation. It's a bit more forgivable in Fallout than in something like Halo or MGS.
Of course, I won't deny the character looks odd when you really try and dissect the details, but then I don't think animations, facial or body features have ever been good in a Bethesda game.
I think they've said that the body animations are all mo-cap (and they do a lot of canned movements they reuse across different NPCs, which is pretty standard), and the facial animations are done procedurally. I think it looks fine, or at least only as uncanny as Mass Effect was. I mean, video game animations in general are uncanny valley af, we only didn't notice it as much in older games because their appearance was in the uncanny valley.