Does Piper look a bit rough to anyone else?
She ?has a unibrow, and a mouth the screams run for your life!
Though maybe it's just bad lighting? or maybe too much radiation?
Does Piper look a bit rough to anyone else?
She ?has a unibrow, and a mouth the screams run for your life!
Though maybe it's just bad lighting? or maybe too much radiation?
Video's unavailable. Also, I don't think you know what a unibrow is. Her eyebrows clearly aren't touching in her cameo in Fallout Shelter's new trailer (the part that actually shows her appearance in Fallout 4).
Her mouth gets a little weird sometimes, but that's pretty standard for video game lip synch.
Why shouldn't she look rough? She lives in a post-Apocalyptic world.
To me her forearms are too long, other than that she looks fine.
Looks fine to me, the animation and lip movement is a bit sketchy but she looks really good. Her voice acting sounds pretty solid as well.
Not everyone is going to look sixy AF in post-apocalyptic America.
She's fine. I'd rather have characters who conceivably look like real people. What did you think of Preston Garvey's looks?
Someone from gamescon commented on the video saying that it seemed out of sync from what they saw at the show. Possibly some compression issues with the video being online or something.
I don't know, she looks kind of good-looking, in a natural way.
The animations beyond the lip-synching are a huge step up from past fares so I'll say Piper is a solid 8/10 would waifu.
EDIT: It should be noted this is solely from a game character perspective. ALSO note the order of importance is
1.) Gunfu
2.) Waifu
So I hope she's not upset when I decide to spend most of my time alone with my trust revolver.
I think OP watches too much anime... Probably wouldn't look good to them unless she was created with Pale ass white skin,Pink hair, tiny coloured lines for eyebrows, and giant eyes that take up half of her face. /s
News flash, People aren't all going to look like Supermodels in an Apocalypse.
I don't really see any of what OP is trying to point out though... Def doesn't have a UniBrow.
Looks fine to me. We've come a long way from Fallout 3/NV's models.
Is this real life? IS this really happening? Did the OP really just scrutinize a fictional computer generated character for having a uni-brow that is non-existent lol
Are we really going down this road guys... lol
Nope I just had a image of what I thought piper would look like before I actually saw her, and it wasn't what I saw in the video, but I also didn't expect perfection ether,
just something different, think its her mouth and how it moves when she talks that throws me off the most.
Cant tell if trolling, or just wants all girls to look like Quiet...
Or maybe havent seen a normal girl.
On topic, she looks good and Im really happy with the quality of the character modelling/creation in the updated Creation Kit. They finally do not look like baked potatoes.
Yeah, the lip movements are a bit odd/off, but other than that... looks like a fairly typical "average/pretty" female character in most games.
edit: and yeah, one more vote for "you don't know what a unibrow is"
She's not a dime but she's not a nickel either. Plus, that's not a unibrow - just defined facial aesthetics.
Noticed that too, really stands out when you're viewing her side profile.
Honestly, all lip-sync we've seen so far looks like everybody is talking with their mouth full of food. Fallout 3/NV looked better, IMO.