My first char (Wood Elf sniper/thief) was hired by a Legion underling to assassinate Ulfric. As he nocked his arrow and took aim, legionnaires surrounded him and took him into custody along with the Stormcloaks. The betrayal didn't end there, as the Legion then sentenced him to death by beheading. Despite their differences, he joined the Stormcloaks as a matter of revenge and retribution. Joining the DB and TG, ultimate revenge was exacted at the highest levels.
My next char (Orc fighter/destruction) was enslaved by the Stormcloaks and working in their camp when he was taken with the rest. His bitter hatred of the Stormcloaks outweighs his hatred of the "uppity" Thalmor-infested Legion, but only just. Joining either side just seems wrong, but helping individuals (the Graymanes) may lead to his joining one side to resolve the conflict.
On my third play through I'll be an Argonian mage siding with the Thalmor and their imperial lackeys.
My next char (Orc fighter/destruction) was enslaved by the Stormcloaks and working in their camp when he was taken with the rest. His bitter hatred of the Stormcloaks outweighs his hatred of the "uppity" Thalmor-infested Legion, but only just. Joining either side just seems wrong, but helping individuals (the Graymanes) may lead to his joining one side to resolve the conflict.
On my third play through I'll be an Argonian mage siding with the Thalmor and their imperial lackeys.
Wow. That's fascinating what your Woodelf went through and how they really were using u to set a trap for Ulfric then betrayed u. That is why some people call the Nords racist, but they are tired of being pushed around by the Imperialists in their own country and in fact they are just worried that those foreigners not from Skyrim might not feel loyal to their Skyrim Freedom cause and that some of them could be Imperial Spies used to set traps for them and all innocents in the vicinity could be beheaded too. That is why they do not on any call, just rush off blindly to rescue Argonian Caravans because if it is an Imperial Trap all there could be executerd, not just the Stormcloaks.
BTW Ulfric accepted my Darkelf, by one simple Q & A,. The Darkelf was asked, something like, "Why would you feel loyalty our cause, if you are not from Skyrim?" and she answered something like, 'Because Skyrim is my home now'" or 'Because this is my home now" and Ulfric said, "That is good enough for me'! and stuck up for her after that and after that he completely trusted her and treated her equal to any Nord recruit! So i think your Woodelf would have been accepted by the Stormcloaks just as easily. There is nowhere near the hatred for 'outlanders' in Skyrim, as there was from many of the Darkelves in Morrowind, but i never heard any cries of racism from players of that game. LOL
It is also interesting that your Orc had yet another experience seeing as Orcs are known to be great soldiers in the Imperial Legion. So perhaps the race or species does matter to some extent)in some cases based on the magnitude of perceived possible threat factor or their perceived ability to be loyal to the Stormcloaks regardless of their race. I heard somebody say they were going to join the Stormcloaks even though they were Altmer, because being Altmer they still could not agree with the Thalmor. The Nord reply was that being an Altmer or Thalmor was not the same thing. Thalmor not o.k. but Altmer o.k.

One thing that i find very odd though, it is that u hear some people say the Nords should not weaken the Empire whilst the Thalmor threat is afoot, but none of them stop to ask why the Empire alienated their Nord allies to the point of rebellion, whilst the Thalmor threat was afoot?!!! I have not heard one person ask that yet, though somebody should. LOL Yet, the Imperials disrepect the Nords in their own country and openly mock them and look down on them as Barbarians almost worse than the Thalmor look down on Non-HighElf Elves. The Imperials even try to outlaw the Nord's native religion and did outlaw Talos, which was the last straw for the Nords tired of being pushed around and treated like they are the Imperials subjugated footstools in Skyrim, rather than treated like valuable allies that they could have been. Many even go as far as to suggest that it will be the fault of the Nords, if the Empire is weakened and the Imperials lose. Maybe the Imperials should have treated the Nords a little better in their own country then, eh? They left the Nords too little to lose by not siding with them anymore, and too much to gain by rebelling instead. There is an alternative to the Thalmor winning, because of a weakened Imperial alliance. The Imperials could allow the Nords to go back to picking their own High King, start treating them better and try to sign a peace treaty with the Nords before it is too late for them. Otherwise the Nords and Hammerfell and possibly others could unite against them and the Thalmor both. 'There is more than one way to skin a cat', as they say. LOL