in the span of only a few hundred years we went from about where nirn is to cruise missiles, tanks and aircraft and the ultimate AoE fire spell the nuclear bomb. mehrunes dagon and alduin would have been shot down within minutes of trying to invade our planet.
edit: apparently i need to clarify, we did not actually have magic two hundred years ago. i mean in regards to combat technology and architecture. :mellow:
on nirn in the same amount of time they actually got dumber. forgot how to levitate, no more spears or crossbows, cant do spellmaking anymore. does the fact the magic makes daily life so easy for nirnians actually hurt them in the long run? they dont have to worry about disease so they are never going to improve their medicine and this bit them in the ass with the red mountain corprus that was incurable with normal spells. if it werent for some guy that was older than dirt and my parents everyone would have been screwed. have fireballs and staff so no need to develop guns or cannons which would have taken care of that dragon problem nicely. no need for toilets cause they teleport their crap to some mystery location. they used to be able to levitate hence no flight etc. a group of sloshed deer hunters could solve skyrims problems in a day.
i used to think that it would be cool to live in a world like that were you could shoot fireballs and float in the air.........but then i imagine a world without the internet and toilets and i think that we are better off without.