That, I don't really understand. Even if you're not tech-savvy enough to install a new HDD, can't you just burn some DVDs?
Or delete some less important files?

I can't do any of those things atm. So yeah, space is an issue, and will be until I can afford a couple more externals and have time to do a full backup and reformat (which will be a while, got lots of big expenses coming up the next few months). And I'd get a chisel and remove the stupid stuck DVD drive, but DVDs are way too small to be useful.

I will dl stuff I really want regardless though, I just can't use it until I've sorted the rest out. B)
I like screens for things like that too - head/hair packs, modder resources, anything like that I like screens included, and also house mods and such too. Yes it can be a little annoying when downloading if there's a lot - but later on when you're looking for stuff or deciding which house suits a particular character, the screens can save a LOT of time and that more than makes up for it IMO.