» Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:48 am
I started using a fan profile too, the day of the dx11 release i forgot to set my fan manually to max like i used to and nearly killed the poor bastard right there. After that it would overheat then crash while idling cause windows aero was switched on.
I got three exhaust fans in my case two at front one at back, i got a inflow fan too at the side of the case about one inch away from my vanilla 580 that lowers the temps by 10 degrees, secret is to have enough exhaust fans so that when the air is blasted in it doesn't hang around for long.
During the summer i took side of case off and directed a 12" desk fan into it which i done when gamin', now i'm back with the 6" case fan.
Cause your GPU is being utilized completely(at least in SP i'll bet it is) this is why it gets so hot, don't worry though once you get it setup right you won't need to worry about it.
So, ...get your air flow right over the GPU's circuit board or like you say go for an aftermarket fan, thing is you may loose your warranty so this probably ain't the way to go.
When i was workin' with one 580 the core clock was reaching 900Mhz and the voltages were boosted by 0.1 and i remember that before i took side of case off i was reaching for the 80s too, if it gets unstable more don't worry about boosting the volts by 0.06, that's what i'm doin'.