I never said you were wrong about that Tiberius. I merely said I couldn't remember it, its been a while since I played that mission. :wink_smile:
But now on to your example. How is Caesar an NCR citizen? He's the freaking leader of the invading forces. Maybe once he was a "citizen" when he was with the Followers, but certainly no more. Thats not my logic at all. What Im saying is that the NCR was responsible for hiring the mercenaries because a promient citizen of the NCR, and someone who is likely within the "higher-ups" circle in their government (or at least has weight with making decisions), ordered the instigation of a war between the NCR and the Mutants. The NCR was looking for an excuse to git rid of those mutants because frankly, the NCR and the "baron" want that land, and skirmishing between the mercs and the mutants would be a perfect Casus belli for their soldiers and anyone who has sympathy for the mutants.