Hi there guys, generally speaking New Vegas is running tolerably but with slugishness after about 20 minutes or so of play every 2 minutes or so. I haven't really spent time trying to narrow down the cause yet (for all I know, could be overheating, slow HD, or some random codec problem like I had with Oblivion), but I was curious whether the new ATI drivers released on Nov. 17th have any effect on the game. In the changelist on the ATI website, New Vegas isn't mentioned at all, but I was wondering if anyone has had a positive experience.
In another thread, saw someone saying ATI 5xxx series cards were hit bad by the latest patch, but I haven't had serious CTDs or anything. Well, at least things haven't gotten worse. Running an ATI 5650 btw.
Also, generally, we should be copying graphics settings over from FO3 right?