Should we alter future Fallout games to accommodate the few that are out-of-kilter with the rest of us, and for no good reason, absolutely not, for there is no reason to do so.
No good reason?
We have a truckload of perfectly good reasons for not liking FO3.
And we've accepted the fact (most of us) that the series won't go back to it's original form over night or if even at all.
What we want is a compromise, to bring back the old elements with the new elements so that "both" sides can be happy.
And to give us optional things so that us who like dice rolls over minigames can have it so and us who like turnbased over real time can have it so.
But bringing the mechanics a bit more up-to-date does not change the sequels validity or make the game worse. On the contrary, high praises were received, and are justified.
Thing is, they didn't bring the mechanics "up to date", they overhauled some, simplified some and removed the rest.
And those who did praise it, I wonder how many of them actually played the old games, of course they were gonna praise it "as another game", Fallout 3 is awesome on it's own merits.
But how many of them actually played the older titles first, knew what Fallout was about and then praised it "as a
Fallout game" ?
Not saying they're wrong in liking FO3 as a game, they're not, they're not wrong in liking FO3 as a Fallout game either.
But going by that it was "praised" by many makes me wonder how many of them actually know what Fallout really is.
I bought Oblivion and played it and you know what?
I haven't played the older titles, so I won't judge it as an ES game, I feel that I have no right in judging it as an ES game since I have no idea what ES really is about.
(But that's just me, if someone has only played FO3 and feel that he/she has the right to speak of it as a Fallout game then feel free to do so but prepare to be corrected by elitists and dinosaurs when you're wrong about lore or canon.
) (Not directed at you Sitruc, IIRC you played the old games.)I can say that I think it's awesome on it's own merits or that it's an awesome "another game" but I can't say it's an awesome ES game since I'm not experienced enough to make that assumption.
So, how many of these critics and people who praised FO3 had actually played FO1/2/T?
Just saying that just because some critics praised it does not mean that they know what they're talking about when it comes to the entire franchise.
Anyone can play a sequel and then review it, but in order to be fair to the game one should really play the previous titles first and then compare with how the original has evolved (or devolved or changed completely) over the course of the sequels.
So critics praised it, not very shocking, new fans praised it, of course they did, it's a post apocalyptic action sandbox game with a giant laser eyed patriot robot.
But I wouldn't call the praise of it as fact that FO3 was an awesome Fallout game, it was an awesome game on it's own merits.
On the other hand, if most people who
did praise FO3 praised it as a Fallout game then uhm...
Well, then I guess FO4> will be Skyrim With Guns. :laugh:
And of course I'll leave it, it's obvious then that since "gaming" has moved on there is no place for me left as I'm stuck in my old ways.
No reason for me to stick around and annoy the rest cause gaming has moved on.

So we'll see how it is with FO4, either it's more Fallout than NV was or it's Skyrim With Guns.