I believe your baby survives in the game in general.
I'm going to follow Horror movie tropes on this one and say no one is dead until they die on screen and I find the body.
I think is Shawn is alive but the wife/husband is dead. My theory is they left the vault years before you and the wife/husband raised Shawn out in the Waste for years before passing away.
I would also highly agree on this as well, i think your kid survives and you meet him later maybe your wife died of old age, idk. I could never spoil a game for someone.
Most people seem to think so, yes (I'm one of them).
Todd Howard has been known to outright lie on previous occasions in order to maintain the secrecy of plot elements.
I wouldn't say he lied, i would say he covers up some plots to make sure nothing gets to out of range or ruined for players, if it wasn't for Todd Howard, there wouldn't be these amazing games he has up in his mind, i mean i have a game in mind, but i know it won't peak anyone interest.
From a Technical stand point, if your spouse and baby leave the vault before you, then everyone but you die in the vault, your the sole survivor of the vault, at least from your perspective.
My thought is at the least your baby is alive.
I wonder if you get to name your baby, i think a possibility. This is what comes to mind in Fallout 3 you had a dad who lied to about not being born outside the vault. So your the son looking for your dad. And my other idea in Fallout is your the father this time looking for your grown up son, after 200 years he may of even found a way to become something, i do not know.
It probably has a lot to do with plot twists etc. But as far as the player knows he is the sole survivor, I think that's the point.
nah, the baby made it into the vault, was cryogenically frozen for around 180 +/- years woke up lived in the vault for a while then left, then we wake up 20 +/- years after to find we are the sole survivor.
Your own child could be a robot after 200 years, idk.
all rumours and wild speculation , nobody but really nobody knows anything about the story line except for what they told us at E3 and the people at bethesda
every thing else is like i said pure speculations and unfounded rumours , but hey they need something to talk about on those podcasts and youtube vhannels so they tend to make things up
happend with every overhyped game
Considering how many times Vault-tec has lied about the Vaults, it makes one distrust anything that comes from a vault. If the vault says that you are the sole survivor, then you aren't.
My personal theory is that different chambers were set to open at different times, so your spouse and child (probably in a single chamber) are thawed before you and make their way to the Wasteland years before the PC does. Two things make me think that at least the child survived:
1) I don't think they would go to the effort of having the baby look different based on your designs of the couple (unless we're talking purely minor differences like skin color) if you weren't going to see the baby as an advlt.
2) Voiced protagonist. At least one person from Bethesda has said that the emotional beats of Fallout 3's story weren't as strong as they hoped because the PC's replies weren't voiced. I expect that Fallout 4's strongest emotional beats are going to be family oriented, and likely between parent and child much like in Fallout 3.
You cant name a baby Shawn in a game that plays on popular media phrases or names clearly a quest will be titled "Shawn of the Dead." Anything else you would like ruined before you play the game?
It's already been said elsewhere that the baby is named Shaun. Unfortunately this leads me to believe that people are right in their assumptions. A set name, to me, means that it will be spoken through the game. So the baby has to live to some extent. The whole, woke up before me and now my baby is a man thing seems like a Bethesda thing to do. Was really hoping the story wouldn't be family driven but the more I look at it and think about all the details we have, the more it seems that way. Maybe he'll grow up to be a bad guy though. I just..... I wanna shoot him so bad....
We never actually saw your SO and Shaun enter the Vault, so the PC could literally be the sole survivor of Vault 111 and still have his family alive somewhere.