I snapped two quotes from another thread that I think brings a little truth to the matter.
doesn't look likely to me. The way he worded the question sounded like a snarky way to say "no" to me, if it were in, he would say yes, after all, it's clear a certain segment of the fanbase wants it, so why not tell them what they want to hear? Unless doing so would be lying, of course, alternately, if it was in, but for some reason or another, they were not ready to talk about it, then he would have said "We're not ready to talk about that yet." or something vague that doesn't really answer the question like "What do you think?" or something, with the comment about DLC, what it sounds like to me is basically "no", just with a joke involved.
Including/excluding levitation will depend solely on the Skyrim engine performance (in particular on consoles).
No doubt the engine was bench-marked on the slowest of the targeted consoles, with 2 possible approaches in mind:
(1) The closed-city approach of Oblivion (levitation is impossible, but easy performance gain due to simplified far objects)
(2) The open-city approach of Morrowind (no technical reason to exclude Levitation, but it needs advanced handling of far objects like the Farcry engines do)
If Mr. Howard answers a question like 'levitate in Skyrim ?' with 'Another DLC. Three hundred dollars', well... i deduce that benchmark number (2) did not go well and levitation MUST be left out for performance reasons.
Note to the casual reader:
the above may sound weird, but believe me: (1) Open/closed cities (2) Performance and (3) Levitation are closely linked. Consoles - the slowest of the targeted platforms - will determine the destiny of levitation.