im starting this thread not as a rant on why there is no world PVP nor why there will not be any PVP servers my complaint is the Lore of the game will no longer make since. the alliances dont like each other. im not going to pretend to be a war expert but i will say i have never heard of a war where all sides military agrees to only fight on a little island in a zerg feast mini game style war and while not on the island everybody is to work together because thoughs Darn spiders and walking skeletons are more important then the YEARS and YEARS of hatred between the alliances....
i enjoy the Lore of elders scrolls alot and yes some of it had to be changed some to make this online game work but why have lore if it will be required to Ignore to most important parts of the Lore....
i think everquest 2 back when it was big did there lore and PVP the best to atleast have a good compromise. low lvl zones where filled with High lvl guards that keept the select deranged few who go there kicks on picking on low lvl people.. also another thing is if there was a ganker people would call them out in chat and they would be hunted down and trust me they would learn the hard way the other side was not going to allow it... what i would like is for atleast ESO to think about is why have somthing in there lore then tell everybody to just ignore it and pretend there is no war or tension between the 3 alliances...
i also and not a fool im a older MMO gamer who knows the old school MMO's glory days of community working as a whole are gone.. MMO's have all been turned into a Glorified single player RPG
due to a newer generation of playstyle that started when WOW removed all the reasons to World PVP and came up with the idea of battlegrounds.. it seems the only game that did not tank that atleast had some good world PVP was everquest 2 wich never had the numbers that WOW had at its prime but stll had a major player base and also like wow had PVP and PVE servers// i would also admit there where more PVE servers though i will say it was a 65-35% split wit the PVE at the 65% range..... there will never be a perfect mix for developers to cater to everybody but have you noticed how many MMO's that are doing well allow no pvp do very well while on the other hand no MMO's that are very heavy PVP based also do not do very well or atleast last for very long...
developers need to understand that if you ever want WOW type money you need come up with Ideas to please atleast 90% of your SUB base and if you can not do that then you have to split the game up into PVE and PVP servers or just have two mega severs one for PVE and one for PVP..
sorry guys for long post my whole point of all of this is i want this game to succeed so badly and no matter what will be buying this game even if the Lore is bogus just due to i enjoyed the beta enough to give it a buy. my biggest fear is that with PVE only content there is never enough starting out to keep people from getting bored and leaving after 1-3 months as a a business person myself my goal is to never loose any customers, even the ones i dont like... again i know this game will have a whooping ONE pvp zone wich will be just a giant battleground but how long do you think people are going to enjoy that days?weeks? before that becomes boring.. i will say the PVP zone does sound like it could be really fun mass warfare and i will prey it saves this game and can convert some hardcoe people into staying atleast for a year or more but we all know if it gets stale fast then subs will drop like flys just like in every MMO just to not enough starting content to be worth the monthly fee...
ok thoughts guys i tryed to give my thoughts and tryed to explain it for a neutral way so what do you guys think about how now WORLD PVP fits into the LORE or STORY of the game.......