I found dog meat to be very handy especially while wandering.
He growls and points in the direction of the enemy, which is very handy especially at night.
He sometimes doesnt attack and lets me do the killing, although he did once charge at about 6 super mutants without as much as a growl, just bolted, I ran after him right into them, Needless to say he died, had to re-load

, (dont like loosing him)
I reckon due to AI pathing for him (he cant jump) he does tend to go the longest way possible sometime to places while following you, especially in the mountains etc.
On the go fetch line I tend to run after him, but in generall never really done it much as I normally got loads of ammo due to my wandering fool mentallity hehe

Just make sure he gets stimpacks when needed and you tell he he is a "good dog" seems to keep him happy