Power Armor for DaWGZ!!
Power Armor for DaWGZ!!
I have him carrying about 30lbs. I never load him up, he's got dog stuff and I use him as my handicap.
OP: And it's realistic for any of your companions to willingly carry all that junk you've been collecting? Or it's realistic for you, the hero of the Commonwealth to be carrying around 150# of junk and useless weapons and armor?
It's a video game for goodness sake.
He's the most useful pack-mule out there. Everybody else gets weighed down with armor and weapons. Dogmeat doesn't.
sure but then you shouldn't be able to carry the weight of two men then....
Too true. My little 90# Melinda with her one strength can carry 340# of stuff with her! I want some of whatever she's been taking.
Hmm... I wonder if Radstag Steaks stack.
Arguing against realism in a game for being a game is rather weak. It's about details and the realistic impressions they place upon us. It is an imperative element required for us to feel like we are actually there. Realism is a definitive of virtual reality. These types of games are created to take a person to another place, fictional fantasy or not, and there has to be a sense of realism for us to connect to that with elements of things that should... just make sense.
None of which applies to dogmeat carrying equipment because your humanoid companions can carry equipment. Native Americans used dogs as pack animals before the Europeans introduced horses. What the OP is arguing is something that is CONSISTENT with the rest of the world is unrealistic. He might as well argue that molerats are unrealistically huge but have no objection to radscorpion.
This. Things only have to be consistent. They can be consistently wrong but as long as that consistency is carried over, then immersion should not break. If it does, you are likely being pedantic and need to take a step back.
And dogs can physically carry equipment for humans and have done so for over ten thousand years. Dogmeat can carry equipment exactly like any other companion he just can't use it. Which is realistic.
My point was he calls something "unrealistic" when it is in fact "realistic" when compared to the actual unrealistic part.
I don't have a problem with the dog packing gear.
Who has argued "against realism?" I don't think anyone has argued "for" or "against" it, people have just responded to the OP's complaint about "Dogmeat carrying stuff is stupid and unrealistic" by pointing out that virtually nothing in the entire game is realistic. Even the highly naturalistic human bodies and faces are not "realistic" because there are so few variants. Every woman in FO4 is a runway model and every man could pose on the cover of "Men's Health" shirtless.
I agree that there has to be an illusion of realism and that is why 3d and graphics are so important to successful games these days. When you see an arrangement of pixels that looks like a woman's face and hear a sound that resembles a woman's voice, one naturally tends to respond to that as if it was a real woman there talking.
The irony is, while the visual and auditory stimuli have got more realistic, a lot of other "realism" elements have not.
I got mad because you completely missed my point he called something that was actually realistic(dogmeat carrying gear) "unrealistic" while ignoring the actually unrealistic part which is how much companions carry. So I made the comparison of him calling something possible (giant rodents) unrealistic while having no problem with 2 meter scorpions obviously unrealistic.
One of the "more realistic" games that I've played is Arma. I own Arma 3 but haven't fired it up yet LOL!
I was pretty active with an incredibly devoted and serious group of coop Arma 2 players for awhile, and played the heck out of that game. One's load bearing capacity is greatly reduced compared to gamesas games. One hit from a weapon will generally incapacitate you if not kill out outright. Grenades and explosives cause mayhem. Ammo is heavy.
Even still, a "Medic" can "heal you" when you are wounded, and if memory serves you go back to nearly full functionality at least after that first time.
"Realistic" games would be so tedious, disheartening and probably boring that they would not sell. One engagement, you get wounded and lose some mobility in a limb or a hand, might well mean "end of adventuring career." In a world like Fallout, death by secondary infection would probably be a serious problem. To say nothing of how totally un fun realistic radiation exposure would be.
Realistic combat or survival games, anyway.
It's what comes of turning death into a game.
I've bought a few "non-death based" games that are pretty realistic, and enjoyed them for what they are worth: Euro truck simulator, Out of the Park Baseball, Car Mechanic, Professional Farmer.
Once the novelty wears off, meh. Just cannot compare to shooting stuff and seeing limbs and heads explode like ketchup-filled pinatas.
We need a giant mutated hamster companion.
To make the game more realistic.
You know, there could be a lot of interesting dovetailing if they did a DLC with the Goat Simulator guys . . . would post a funny Youtube but too much vulgarity I fear . . .