I hope you can take another companion along with dogmeat..and not just one companion at a time.
I hope you can take another companion along with dogmeat..and not just one companion at a time.
I imagine it'll be like the last games where we get one humanoid companion and one non-humanoid. So Codsworth + Humanoid, or Dogmeat + Humanoid.
What would be really cool is if they brought the Magnetic Personality perk back. They can't design the game around having a full party like the older ones, but being able to recruit one extra follower as a high Charisma perk would be pretty sweet.
Agreed I dont want an army but multiple followers is quite enjoyable ala Bioware games.
You know, the new contextual dialog system might make it way easier to just chat with your companions in the wastes without changing the flow. They ask you a question, and you can just hover your crosshair over them and press a face button to make a reply.
Don't worry there will be a mod for it like FONV's Unlimited Companions.
Was at Quakecon, Tod Howard reported that there are a dozen companions and the non robotic and non canine ones will be romance able.
All of the humanoid companions will be up for romance? That's pretty cool.
Actually the whole no companion thing piqued my interest.
From Gamespot Article found http://www.gamespot.com/articles/fallout-4-gets-new-details-at-quakecon-2015/1100-6429169/.
Maybe having companions adds an XP penalty? Or, you just get bonus XP for going solo?