Cry Havoc and let Slip the Dogs of War!
Carrick surveyed the tiny village before him, making sure he stayed low, out of sight of the solitary sentry standing in the middle of town. It was a dark night, the moons were hidden behind dense banks of cloud. A perfect night for a raid. Carrick's stomach growled suddenly and he dropped quickly into the ditch paranoid that the guard might have heard the tiny noise. This earned him a couple of worried glances from some of the others, packed as they were into the undergrowth surrounding the hamlet. They were gaunt, desperate faces. Hunger and lack of sleep had taken their toll on the men. Carrick smiled to himself as he stared back into their desperation, winter was always the best time to recruit, when people were starving they'd do almost anything to stay alive.
Pushing himself up once more through the dank earth of the ditch so that he could just peek over the lip, Carrick watched the guard yawn and sit down on the lip of the village well.
"Totally unaware"
Carrick thought, carefully checking for any other sentries that he hadn't noticed before, he doubted he'd find any: The town was quite small and he suspected that the local lord would be hidden behind the majority of the town guard at his manor, just over the hills to the east. There was going to be a surprise in store for them, as well as the villagers; Carrick had sent another 10 from his band to 'confiscate' the squire's goods. Smiling at the thought of what was to come, Carrick raised his crossbow to his shoulder, carefully sighting at the man by the well. The bolt went straight through his throat. The guard could only force a strangled gurgle as he plummeted, helplessly into the well.
The tiny noise was the signal. Carrick watched as a pair of shady figures slipped into the church at the opposite end of town. It was the logical first move, make sure the villagers can't sound any kind of alarm, the church bells were the obvious choice. A minute passed. Carrick waited, tense. If anything went wrong here... A figure emerged from the church, the bandit squinted, trying hard to discern from the sillhouette who it was. He'd sent in two men... The figure raised a hand at the ditch. Carrick breathed once more, everything was going to plan. He tapped the man to his left on the shoulder and rose quickly out of the ditch, trying hard to keep quiet. As he stood, he unsheathed the hunting knife from his belt, he doubted he'd have the space to use the crossbow. A few of the men lit torches and soon the silence was shattered by shouts and screams as the villagers awoke to the smell of their homes burning.
50 years ago, the Oblivion crisis and the death of the emperor finally toppled the empire. The crisis had hurt Cyrodil far worse than the other provinces who promptly took advantage of the weakened legion to revolt. At the same time, many of the Cyrodyllic Counts saw the opportunity to increase their own strength and, as the whole of Tamriel dissolved into civil war, the Elder council parted ways, members abdicating in favour of their own peoples. A new emperor was never named and gradually people ceased to care, more concerned as they were with the local wars that were springing up as more and more nobles decided to break from their liege lords and to join the power contests. This was especially true in Cyrodil. The province had no native government to take over from the empire as many of the occupied nations did, the counts declared war on each other and, apart from a few of the major cities, law ceased to be enforced. No one cared if bandits raided a hamlet? There was a throne to win! The bandit groups themselves became steadily more and more powerful, growing rich as hirelings for the Counts. The guilds disbanded as it became impossible to operate between several cities. Society as it was once known had collapsed.
This is where you come in, you are from the small village of Harrow which has recently been assaulted by a group of brigands. The rp starts the morning the raid, after as you emerge from hiding to find the blackened remains of the village at your feet. This is going to be a group rp as the remaining villagers try to make their way in the harsh new world. There''l be room to join in as we go along and the plot expands.
If you've rp'd before on this site then you'll know what the basic rule set is going to be.
For fighting I trust you to resolve it but be realistic
Same with looting
I'll just jump in if I want something specific to happen
My word is law
On top of that, I'd like people's characters to start out weak, you aren't mighty Mages or professional soldiers, you're the kind of person that would be found in a small hamlet. You could be a soldier or a mage or anything else you can fit into the setting but bear in mind that you were in a small hamlet and you weren't competent enough to handle a bandit raid so you're fairly weak to start with. I will however give you plenty of opportunity to improve.
Pm me your sheets
I make the first post
Anything I've missed anywhere please ask
You can be any character that has a reasonable explanation for being in this village, you could be the local priest's apprentice or retired if you fancy a mage, or the Lord of the estate's son (mine

Talents :
Short Bio: