» Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:07 am
Alright, here are my test results.
Merchants will 100% have a different value of gold every two days.
If you buy items from the merchant, their gold will go up. Two days after this, that amount is gone and they return to their normal "random" amount.
Speechcraft has no effect on the overall number of gold a merchant will have when you open the store or two days later.
Here are the test results.
1,134gp to start on day 1.
Two days pass.
1,161gp to start.
Buy items from the merchant to increase the gold they have.
1,832gp on day 1.
Two days pass.
1,158gp to start.
Sorry for the misinformation folks. In my eagerness, I must have purchased items from the blacksmith in Solitude while doing the quests and assumed it was some how connected and returned before the two day cycle happened, giving the illusion that by doing said quests, the merchants had more coin available.