» Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:16 pm
If you want a challenge go for a High Elf Barbarian with the Apprentice or Lord birthsign.
You could also make a character tha doesn't use equipment. I played this Orc who used Hand-to-hand and no armor or enchanted clothing. He was far from being my msot powerful character, but he was definately the most bad-ass character I've ever palyed.
A third idea is to play a thief who avoids combat at all costs. Go into a dungeon, grab everything that isn't nailed down, and exit without anyone knowing you were there.
A fourth idea is to play a Mage (the premade class) but only limit yourself to using 3 magic skills. Like for example you could be using Alteration, Conjuration, and Illusion while leaving Alchemy, Destruction, Mysticism, and Restoration untouched.