Doing the whole game while Roleplaying?

Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:21 am

I'm playing on the PC and using a LOT of mods, and have some (very) basic ability to use the toolset. I also like to roleplay my characters and am really enjoying my current playthrough. I'm planning on becoming the Grey Fox and completing the Main Quest as her storyline accomplishments. However, I don't want to leave other stories incomplete just because i'd prefer not to have a super-character with a silly ammount of titles and obligations.

My thought is that I could do stories like KotN and Shiver Isles (and Fighhters Guild) with companions and make out that THEY are the 'main character' of that questline. Thoughts on how I could work this in from a roleplay POV? Difficulties with it (aside from powers which I can ignore)? As far as companions go I have...

Vilja: I don't plan on giving her any real storyline-role since she is my characters BFF and some of the stories would end with my character parting ways with a companion (such as leaving whoever becomes Sheo in SI). Perhaps the Divine Crusader if I really had to?
Orc Companion: Sterotypical, but probobly best as leader of the Fighters Guild.
Arren: This companion is fun - and i'm thinking since he is pretty whacky to start with that he might make a good replacement for the PC as Sheo. I could even give him Sheo eyes in the toolset.
Fergus: Dunno about what I could do with him. Never really used him enough to get a handle on his skills. Perhaps another potential Fighters Guild head.

Right now i'm nowhere close to even starting the Thieves Guild or Main Quest - but i'd like to have a 'plan' before I get to the point of needing to know. I'm thinking of perhaps weaving KotN quests in between Thieves Guild Quest with Vilja before going onto the Main Quest. I've always felt that it made a good 'pre-doomsday' quest.

I just need help in general on how I could make things work and flow. I have some thoughts and ideas but could really use other perspectives.
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Lucie H
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