Seriously OP?
Seriously OP?
I could probably clear most of the game on surivival difficulty, not that hard to give your character enough edge to deal with most threats. But the 'nades...I don't know, they would destroy me, since for some reason every raider has accuracy 3 with a rifle but 45000 with grenades and nukes...
One of the first things Stalker teaches you is to run. It's a powerful tool. You should be able to get away from most of any explosion if you run when you see that grenade icon.
Same here. He was too tall to fit in the door so I just beaned him with a shotgun from 5 feet away for 5 mins.
I usually roll with anywhere from 100-200 Jet, 20 Psycho Jet and/or Buffjet for when the heavy %&$@ goes down. Honestly that's how I've made it into 5 days of my survival playthrough now.
Nooo. You sell Jet. You can make it easily and it's the best, low level, money maker in the game.
In my experience having played two characters into their 60's is difficulty is based on how quickly you take damage perks and picking up a decent weapon or two. In all honesty survival becomes somewhat trivial once you have enough damage perks and nice weapons. I tend to take damage perks later so the difficulty on survival started to be easy around mid 30's and mid 40's on my two characters. You could start a character that would make it easy sooner imho.
If you are on a PC there are number of mods that make the game more challenging. My favorite being More Spawns.
I'm on Xbox One - *LeSigh* I would looooove to have some more hardcoe mods requiring food/water/temperature/whatevs
Hopefully we'll start seeing some of those sweet mods on console in the coming months.
Personally I think you just svck. If you pick idiot savant you can get to lvl 40-50 with around 24h of play time. I did this with two characters both rushed idiot and got similar leveling speeds. Employ effective character builds (eg. realize that charisma and endurance are total waste of points) 24h is 3.5h per day for a week which not a lot. You can run through the entire map in 11 mins and if you skip the banol boring [censored] (eg radiant quests, settlements, looting every coffee cup etc.) "doing everything" becomes a very real possibility.
currently level 45 and survival is still a nightmare...
being spotted by more than 3-4 raiders is already extremely tough ^^
I die within 2-3 shots with my leather armor, while you need 4-5 shots to kill one of them
things like Sentrybots and Assaultrons require several tries, until you finally manage to beat them...
It's the first time that a Bethesda game is so hard, even on a high level
So, skipping the "banol boring" stuff as you call it, ie, 90% and you're "doing" everything? No you are not. You are skipping the majority of the content.
If you're not going to actually play the game as intended, what is the point of playing the game at all? Beth always designs it games so that all the "other" content is the best stuff. Sure some of it is boring, but, generally it's the main storyline that is lacking. Skyrim is a great example. The actual Dragonborn thing has long been a secondary part for me (I have 3K+ hours in Skyrim).
BTW: Don't need to "defend" my opinion. It is what it is. If ya don't like it, go strangle that puppy. I really don't care. I'll be happy to call PETA on you.
But you don't need to play the early game on survival. Get a few perks for damage (rifleman/gunslinger). Then sell all you can find, pickpocket and steal all you can to buy Overseer's Guardian, it is really worth the cash. After that stock up some fusion cores to be able to use the power armor and you're good to switch to survival. You will be level 10-20 by then. You got damage and defense, the 2 things I think are most important for survival difficulty. The ninja, critical banker and better critical perks will make you find survival rather easy, killing legendaries with 2-3 banked critical hits at about level ~40. The beauty of criticals is they never miss, even if the enemy is at 100 meters away and the head percentage in vats is 2%. Buying 'The last minute' Gauss rifle will make life even easier.
Followed your suggestion and I created a 10 int character.
This is the result:
Went to mod the laser musket right after I picket it up, and I was level 3 when that happened because I was getting mad exp.
A raider was shooting it from inside a building, and I was inside another building, the monster was just running between us.
I took the hacking perk this time and got a second power armor in my way to corvega, the ferals were 1hitting me but the power armor turns their dmg into crap. I think I will focus on PA for my survival playthrough. So far it's seems more doable than my old attempts.
On level 28 the best PA in the game will spawn, the X-01 and after taking it you'll be tanky as [censored], even without modding the PA with Armorer. Spoiler on where to get it:
Also, ''The last minute'', an OP weapon with 480 base damage (with Rifleman and Lone wanderer perks). A weapon you can buy after finishing some quests, spoiler: And I don't think this weapon is level dependent, meaning you can even buy it early game.
After that, it will be child's play. Then you can go to the Glowing Sea to farm legendary armor and weapons, cause legendary items are the main reason you took survival in the first place, right ?
Can only second that. If one is a dedicated gamer (nerd) for ages, they figure out game mechanics real quick and know how to deal with what. We are also very apt at using our environment, and also know where possible dangers could lurk. We also know naturally (from experience) what skills to level first, what gear to obtain first. Especially when you know the Fallout series.
People like us have collected enough gaming experiences of all sorts of games, that it comes more or less naturally and going normal difficulty would be dead boring. And our kind usually doesn't brag about playing the hardest mode - because we play hard because we love to play hard and not because we have to prove someone something.. it's just a game O_o
That isn't true for all. I have never played any games in the last 5 years except dota or Oblivion. On normal difficulty. In fact, I've never played any game on more then normal difficulty ever, and I'm 30 years old. I'm not even a gamer and I never was, I rarely play games, in fact in the last 3 years I've never played anything on PC or consoles (or maybe I've played like 3 days or so, neglijabile)
But Fallout on survival seems easy for some reason, although I switched from normal to survival on level ~20. I guess the op sneak damage multiplier (with sneak perks) and that power armor that makes you almost invincible make it easy like that. I can say that in the last 1-2 weeks I became a gamer playing at least 5 hours a day, cause Fallout can be addictive.
People like to brag. It's annoying when you're struggling. I struggled with MGSV and all I kept hearing was how easy it was.
In later game deathclaw is soft,
problem in Concord because you use a minigun which weak in this game, so you need to have a good tactic, like using some object to block his path, or anything.
No offense but MGSV really is a cakewalk, iirc it didnt have a difficulty setting, and after about 20 hours i started to get bored of abusing the enemy soldiers. I mean, you can snipe and not even have to run away when they come looking, just hide behind a rock and laugh as they tell your D-Dog to go away, despite him being heavily armored and looking like a trained war dog. You can then order the dog to kill the soldier in one hit. The game only starts to become mildly challenging if you go for a 'good' pacifist playthrough, and try to capture tanks, etc.
As for FO4, no one ever said survival was easy from the start, and if they did, are either lying or incredibly skilled to the point where they shoot like they use an aimbot. Levels 5-15 are particularly brutal as you have nothing and all your perks are rank 1.
The game gets easier the higher level you are, survival is hard in the start when you got bad gear and few perks, as you level up you gain both gear and perks which makes the game much easier.
At level 90+ there is no challenge anymore anywhere for my character, sneak attacks oneshots most things, even Mirelurk Queens at this point. And this is on survival.
But the game was hard in the start, very hard in some locations. And yes I think this is the hardest Bethesda game in a long time, Skyrim was much easier for me.
This is why I forced myself to stop playing too late at night; Once I get so tired I am just clicking the button speeding through a conversation and it's over before I even realize what's happening.
I consider it a failure if I set off an alert.