Don't blame eachother for your gaming platform woes.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:41 am

I disagree completely and categorically. Anything above 5 years for a console generation is pushing the limit and choking innovation. It's been 10. T-E-N. YEARS.

You are missing the point of consoles. Firstly, Sony and Microsoft don't even make money on consoles, they lost money on every unit sold. Because of that, it's really hard to sit on your comfy couch and demand that they ever make a new one, because they can only afford to do that so many times every decade. Like once.

Furthermore, consoles are designed to be budget systems. If console gamers had the resources to buy a new $700 system every few years then they would just be PC gamers. A console was intended from the very start to be a buy once, have "forever" type thing. That's why it takes forever for a new generation.

Sony and Microsoft are going to wait until they can pack a major punch into their new system. The new system has to be so far ahead of the previous one that it allows for entirely new gaming concepts to be implemented. Secondly, they have to wait until the limits of their console has been effectively maxed out to the point that gamers are getting bored with it.

Gamers, I said. Not you, specifically, but the market. Console games are still immensely popular and there's not a lot of pressure on games like Assassin's Creed or Uncharted to be released on a next-gen system. As long as games like that are successful and reaching their potential on the existing platform, then the existing platform remains.

That's the whole point behind a console.
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:34 am

And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet!

Wrong... Both SONY and Microsoft had created a 12-year technology freeze for the console.

Both are almost ready to release the new "Next-gen" system, after this year is over. Both have 3D and dual-screen by default. Both have similar specs again. Both will remain with the unique-os's which are backwards compatable. Both have surround-sound, default wide-screen, 1080p-supersample...

Names unknown, but copyright searching would reveal the names they "might" have. (720 will not be x-box, since that name is uncopyrightable, since it has been in the public for more than a year.)

Consoles have a home, PC's have a home.

Consoles use magnet-targeting, like "nerf-tracking" so you can actually hit creatures easier, and it makes them dumb, so you have a better chance to hit them.

Play the same game on a PC, and you will have a challange, if you just plug-in a control, and the game doesn't adapt by turning on those dumb-down mods. (Has nothing to do with you beign dumb, it hsa to do with the dumb controller, lack of precision, lack of speed, and poor control limits. Compared to a mouse and keyboard for input. Smart input.)

However, due to controls limited input buttons, games also get dumbed-down, for the limits of the controller. Forcing keyboard and mouse users to not have 10000 functions, that would be easy to do... now they only have 10, and those are washed-out, since they don't want to give PC users a major advantage over the console version, and create more issues for them to fix... (Them, being any game developer.)

We don't hate YOU, or your console... We hate that console games/users are the ones being developed for, which is limiting our purpose and enjoyment of complex games on a PC. (The more you continue to enjoy it, the more we suffer. Simply because you purchase it, and enjoy your purchase, without much hastle...)

All of this hate would disapear if Microsoft ALLOWED mice to be used on an X-Box. (Real mice, actually eork, not just a joy-mouse hack, like what they sell in the mods shops.)

It is a prefered input with major advantages, but MS purposely left it out, blaming YOU, the console-users, for voicing your complaints that mice-users were "cheating". (Yes, with magnet-targeting, using a mouse is cheating. But magnet-targeting should not be on, when a mouse is used. Easy resolution, but MS would rather not have to deal with the head-ache.. especially when not allowing mice, forces those with mad-money to upgrade software and hardware, which is called the PC gaming market.)
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:34 am

Ohz noes, stawp choking my innovations youz guys!!!!!!!111!!11!
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:01 pm

And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet!

You really haven't been keeping up with the gaming industry have you? They are working on the new consoles. Also the consoles aren't nearly ten years old. Know what the hell you are talking about before you post a whiny rant.
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Anna S
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:52 am

Is this the new math?

PS3 and Wii launched five years ago this month. F-I-V-E. The Xbox 360, six years ago this month. S-I-X.

It's been 10 years since the first Xbox, which is apart from the three cores and better overall internal bandwith of the 360 is pretty much the same. People tend to think the Xbox and Xbox 360 are really different, but the graphical capability upgrade between them was but a token.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:37 pm

And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet!

Except that the next gen Xbox is supposedly coming in 2013, to be announced at next year's E3. I'd call that doing research...

PS consoles existed before PC's. Atari, etc.

You word everything intelligently, but your fancy languor is not backed by smart facts.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:35 am

The users of the consoles are not the problem though! The problem is Microsoft and Sony still riding a wave of money spawned from 10 year old technology!
Ahm no.

The problem are developers like Bethesda, Rockstar, etc. who just don't care to provide the best possible experience for their games on PC.

Also I think it's not a bad thing, that there isn't a new playstation every few years.
If I buy a console, I don't want to have to get a new one just 3 years later. I'm happy, if I can get new games for it even 6 years after its launch.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:15 pm

It's been 10 years since the first Xbox, which is apart from the three cores and better overall internal bandwith of the 360 is pretty much the same. People tend to think the Xbox and Xbox 360 are really different, but the graphical capability upgrade between them was but a token.

So, they're exactly the same. You know, except for those minor little differences. Gotcha.

Guys, they use the same controller, they're IDENTICAL
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Gen Daley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:33 am

It becomes so apparent who hasn't actually sat down and played a single console game in their life when these threads get posted.

It's the only way I can explain the ignorance.
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josh evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:58 pm

I "probably" don't need a sarcastic response to every freaking post I make on these forums.

Then you 'probably' need to adjust the post content you make if the problem is that severe.

See what I did there?
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:25 am

It becomes so apparent who hasn't actually sat down and played console games in this threads.

It's the only way I can explain the ignorance.

I agree. This console vs. pc users war has got to stop, no one is superioir to anyone else over a freaking video game. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded. Everyone has a right to play on the system they wish without getting antagonized.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:45 pm

Admins, you know what to do with this thread. ;)

Since I am getting tired of moving these types of threads to CD, I will just close this one as it is off topic to Skyrim.
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Kelsey Hall
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