Don't blame eachother for your gaming platform woes.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:43 am

2 things. 1st, I'm blessed with only 2 people whom I know in my immediate circle who use consoles regularly, so I don't have to listen to these conversations IRL. However, those 2 people are: my 50 year old working stiff chairman uncle who barely has time to play his console... And my little sister who has a Wii and an Xbox and she's too young to understand why I wouldn't like playing on one.

Second though, consoles have a right to exist for people such as this, and let me just say, that the majority of PC elitist whiners make me ashamed of being a hardcoe PC gamer. I remember 20 years ago, you guys used to be cool.

That doesn't mean I don't understand the gripes you have, playing primarily on the PC, believe me, I do:
-Games are compressed to the smallest disc size possible to accommodate consoles, reducing the variety of textures/ meshes/ audio assets
-Now ancient graphics (imagine the possibilities! And not just for graphic's own sake, multiple avenues of game storytelling open up with more graphical options
-Controls that ignore you have a keyboard capable of doing more than just spam "X"
-Shallow UI's
-Non 64 bit capabilities
-And my personal pet hatred: MOUSE SENSITIVITY LOWER UP/DOWN THAN SIDE TO SIDE!!!!!!! :swear:

The users of the consoles are not the problem though! The problem is Microsoft and Sony still riding a wave of money spawned from 10 year old technology! And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet! I'd rather see those two companies' headquarters burn in actual flames of real fire, than see these stupid forum flames between two types of idiots.

Please, direct your anger to those in charge of your misery: Microsoft and Sony.
Thank you.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:14 am

Here we go again....
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Emily Rose
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:59 am

This totally needed to be reposted from that last flamefest.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:33 am

See, I don't think 259 threads, with 10k posts, on this topic is enough. We obviously need more, because that dead horse has not yet been beat enough.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:00 pm

It were nice knowing you for such a short time, INB4L
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:54 pm

This totally needed to be reposted from that last flamefest.

Repost? Resolve, rather, as people were still flaming each other (which I am specifically trying to say here, is misdirected) when the post was closed for post limit reasons. Try reading the OP.

EDIT: Wow yeah, 4 posts within 10 seconds of me posting this, and none of them know how to read! Impressive!
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:11 pm

PC elitist whiners make me ashamed of being a hardcoe PC gamer. I remember 20 years ago, you guys used to be cool.

That statement made me laugh sooooo hard,

as 20 years ago I was 16, and trust me if you thought hardcoe PC gamers were cool...............Then you were as far from reality as a D&D boardgame could take you.

Unless you hosted Championship Manager 4 player tournaments on the Amega that was, Like me ;)
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:04 am

I'm a "PC Elitist" as well, but I also happen to enjoy my PS3 immensely. Some games are better on consoles, some games are better on PCs. The fault isn't even with Sony or Microsoft. The fault is with Developers themselves.

Civilization games have never tried to be released on consoles, because they flat out don't work. They created a console specific version, and it was terrible imo. The developers have to be the ones to realize whether they are making a console game or a PC game. The choice belongs to them, and thus all "blame" if you can call it that, also falls to them.

Bethesda made a choice that this was going to be a console game. It's still a great game, but it's a console game. I don't blame anyone for that, except Bethesda. And if I was actually mad enough, I wouldn't have bought the game. But I'm not, it's not as great as it could have been had it been solely for PC, but at the same time they would not have made nearly as much money if they had done it solely for PC. So, maybe the bigger budget allowed them to do more in the end, maybe it didn't.

I'm not one to judge. I'm just here to play my game.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:34 pm

That statement made me laugh sooooo hard,

as 20 years ago I was 16, and trust me if you thought hardcoe PC gamers were cool...............Then you were as far from reality as a D&D boardgame could take you.

Unless you hosted Championship Manager 4 player tournaments on the Amega that was, Like me ;)

I think you are mistaking 'cool' as in 'popular' for 'cool' as in 'not angsty self absorbed holier than though types'...

Being a PC gamer since, well, even back to the Apple ][+. the PC gaming community was, at one point, where just about every IT person in the 90's and early 2k's came from.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:46 pm

We know. And they are working on it, but both Microsoft and Sony make like 500billion different types of electronics, so new consoles don't come out as often as they should. Or at least new parts to upgrade the system yourself (witch I would prefer more then buying a new Play Station every damn year).
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Kim Kay
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:53 pm

The problem is Microsoft and Sony still riding a wave of money spawned from 10 year old technology! And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet!

Wut? Where have you been? Some sources are speaking about the new XBOX showcase/demonstration next year. I can get alot of sources on the subject, but since you're too lazy to do some research I won't bother.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:36 pm

Repost? Resolve, rather, as people were still flaming each other (which I am specifically trying to say here, is misdirected) when the post was closed for post limit reasons. Try reading the OP.

EDIT: Wow yeah, 4 posts within 10 seconds of me posting this, and none of them know how to read! Impressive!

I read your post.
I cannot see what it will accomplish other than providing the ground for the prior arguement to fester and continue heading for the flamefest such threads become.
People have made up their mind. It's just 2 groups of people shouting at each other unaware they are pretty much the same apart from the hardware they favour. Nothing you, or anyone else says will make an impact. The very things you stated were all mentioned before, and will be again.
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Bitter End
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:13 pm

inb4...oh who gives a damn we all know where this is headed :facepalm: :banghead:
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stevie trent
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:06 am

I'm a "PC Elitist" as well, but I also happen to enjoy my PS3 immensely. Some games are better on consoles, some games are better on PCs. The fault isn't even with Sony or Microsoft. The fault is with Developers themselves.

Civilization games have never tried to be released on consoles, because they flat out don't work. They created a console specific version, and it was terrible imo. The developers have to be the ones to realize whether they are making a console game or a PC game. The choice belongs to them, and thus all "blame" if you can call it that, also falls to them.

Bethesda made a choice that this was going to be a console game. It's still a great game, but it's a console game. I don't blame anyone for that, except Bethesda. And if I was actually mad enough, I wouldn't have bought the game. But I'm not, it's not as great as it could have been had it been solely for PC, but at the same time they would not have made nearly as much money if they had done it solely for PC. So, maybe the bigger budget allowed them to do more in the end, maybe it didn't.

I'm not one to judge. I'm just here to play my game.

Thank you! I agree with you 100%
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:19 am

I think you are mistaking 'cool' as in 'popular' for 'cool' as in 'not angsty self absorbed holier than though types'...

Being a PC gamer since, well, even back to the Apple ][+. the PC gaming community was, at one point, where just about every IT person in the 90's and early 2k's came from.

I guess I did, but really just thought I'd post before the real flaming starts and the tread gets closed lol
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:24 pm

Admins, you know what to do with this thread. ;)
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:28 am

hungry donner use magma blast! :flamethrower:
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:57 am

Second though, consoles have a right to exist for people such as this, and let me just say, that the majority of PC elitist whiners make me ashamed of being a hardcoe PC gamer. I remember 20 years ago, you guys used to be cool.

Uhm no. We really never were....
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:08 pm

Admins, you know what to do with this thread. ;)

They do, so they probably don't need a reminder.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:00 pm

I'm a "PC Elitist" as well, but I also happen to enjoy my PS3 immensely. Some games are better on consoles, some games are better on PCs. The fault isn't even with Sony or Microsoft. The fault is with Developers themselves.

Civilization games have never tried to be released on consoles, because they flat out don't work. They created a console specific version, and it was terrible imo. The developers have to be the ones to realize whether they are making a console game or a PC game. The choice belongs to them, and thus all "blame" if you can call it that, also falls to them.

Bethesda made a choice that this was going to be a console game. It's still a great game, but it's a console game. I don't blame anyone for that, except Bethesda. And if I was actually mad enough, I wouldn't have bought the game. But I'm not, it's not as great as it could have been had it been solely for PC, but at the same time they would not have made nearly as much money if they had done it solely for PC. So, maybe the bigger budget allowed them to do more in the end, maybe it didn't.

I'm not one to judge. I'm just here to play my game.

I disagree completely and categorically. Anything above 5 years for a console generation is pushing the limit and choking innovation. It's been 10. T-E-N. YEARS.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:39 pm

I'm telling you man. I can't say it enough. I hate sharing a forum with console players. They know they can't mod the game and therefore will complain endlessly about anything they can't have or pray to the heavens they could.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:36 am

I'm telling you man. I can't say it enough. I hate sharing a forum with console players. They know they can't mod the game and therefore will complain endlessly about anything they can't have or pray to the heavens they could. No we don't really do that. I actually haven't seen much of that.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:24 am

And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet!

Uh... Yeah they are.

And you're wrong about everything else, too. It IS the players, the consumers, that guide the market. Developers of both hardware and software get all their market data from the consumers; the people buying their product or whom they are targeting to buy their product. If the big companies making games and the hardware that supported them didn't listen to the players of the games themselves, they would completely fail; no one would buy their products, and gaming would still be in a niche market with only a handful of potential buyers. Too high risk with too little reward, it would be amazing if the industry didn't collapse.

Console gamers are to blame for most of PC gamers woes in terms of many design choices developers make. But it's not all console gamers; it's the specific demographic that the consoles themselves cater to: the teen and pre-teens. So the real blame rests not with Sony, or Microsoft, or Nintendo, but with the snot nosed kids of the ADD/ADHD generation who want all the feeling of accomplishment with none of the hard work when playing their games. Thus we get flashy graphics and bland gameplay from many major developers.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:36 am

They do, so they probably don't need a reminder.

I "probably" don't need a sarcastic response to every freaking post I make on these forums.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:02 am

I disagree completely and categorically. Anything above 5 years for a console generation is pushing the limit and choking innovation. It's been 10. T-E-N. YEARS.

Is this the new math?

PS3 and Wii launched five years ago this month. F-I-V-E. The Xbox 360, six years ago this month. S-I-X.
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