Second though, consoles have a right to exist for people such as this, and let me just say, that the majority of PC elitist whiners make me ashamed of being a hardcoe PC gamer. I remember 20 years ago, you guys used to be cool.
That doesn't mean I don't understand the gripes you have, playing primarily on the PC, believe me, I do:
-Games are compressed to the smallest disc size possible to accommodate consoles, reducing the variety of textures/ meshes/ audio assets
-Now ancient graphics (imagine the possibilities! And not just for graphic's own sake, multiple avenues of game storytelling open up with more graphical options
-Controls that ignore you have a keyboard capable of doing more than just spam "X"
-Shallow UI's
-Non 64 bit capabilities
-And my personal pet hatred: MOUSE SENSITIVITY LOWER UP/DOWN THAN SIDE TO SIDE!!!!!!! :swear:
The users of the consoles are not the problem though! The problem is Microsoft and Sony still riding a wave of money spawned from 10 year old technology! And they aren't even researching replacement consoles yet! I'd rather see those two companies' headquarters burn in actual flames of real fire, than see these stupid forum flames between two types of idiots.
Please, direct your anger to those in charge of your misery: Microsoft and Sony.
Thank you.