Why are so many people annoyed by Skyrim? Is it because Bethesda didn't push the boat out enough and include crazy amounts of character customisation? I'm not sure how you guys play, but when I play Skyrim, I use FIRST PERSON. Most of the time, all I see are my gloves. Unfortunately for some, you can't have different gloves on each hand! Shock! Horror! How could they fail to include such a useful feature into Skyrim?!
The difficulty level is bothering a lot of you as well. How many people like being smashed against a wall by a Bandit Outlaw seventeen consecutive times before they manage to kill him with a fluke power attack? I like a challenge, but it sounds like a lot of you would rather be playing Demon Souls or Ninja Gaiden 2. I understand the sense of achievement when I beat an enemy that is incredibly hard, but I wouldn't want that constantly. I find it interferes with the progression of the story.
Also, what is wrong the graphics? Are the textures really THAT low res to cause outrage? No. They're not. It's nitpicking at it's worst. Same with the HUD and compass, it might put some people out that these features can't be changed at present, but the sheer drama of the posts reading "this has ruined my experience" is utter lunacy.
On a final note, if you've been playing for 150 hours and you're wondering why you're bored, then you REALLY need to turn off the Xbox and go for a walk or something.