I'm not joking. He says that when he comes across his studio's dialogue then he just wants to skip it, and now he can! But he's not opposed to all dialogue. No no no. If the dialogue is by someone like Naughty Dog then he's interested. But he doesn't say the same about his own studio's dialogue. In fact, that's why he's so glad he can now skip it.
He doesn't need to flat out say it. It is obvious what he means. He is a freaking PR guy and he didn't even try to redeem his studio's dialogue or why players should pay attention to it. Nope. Instead he just practically goes "good riddance".
Just read the quote. He says he wants to skip dialogue because he doesn't have the attentionspan for it when it comes to his own studio's games, but he says he will make an exception for other studio's which means he 'does' have the attention span for long dialogue, just as long as it isn't Bethesda dialogue. Why else would he promote that "hey guys! You know how you wanted to skip our dialogue? Well now you can!"?
Let me explain it a little bit better; If your dialogue is crap then you do not [censored] invent a damn "skip dialogue" button. Instead, you start providing better dialogue. But once again, Bethesda would rather go the easy route and find some way to a short-cut of their own bad design decisions than the hard route and try to improve their games.
Think about it. This is a thing. They're including a button to skip the dialogue because they know their dialogue is bad.
Instead of actually producing better dialogue so that it won't be bad, they'd rather just give a skip dialogue button.
And that speaks volumes about what Bethesda's goals are with their games as well as what they prioritize.