I'm not a newcomer to Morrowind, but this is the first time I've started seriously modding it.
I've released two mods, both of which are little tweaks to perfect my copy of Morrowind;
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8912 - Better Heads Dunmer Texture Fix
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8916 - Moon Sugar Replacer
I've also made a teeny tiny fix to some of the seaweed and barnacles off the coast of Seyda Neen, because I'm obsessive.
I pay a lot of attention to detail, and I can't stand things like floating meshes.
But I'm actually pretty darn happy with my copy at the moment, though I'm hoping for a new version of Armed_Defender's Mesh Improvements to sort out some of the more complex miscellaneous meshes I'm still annoyed by.
So basically, my problem is that I would very much like to mod, but I don't know what to do.
Bearing in mind my level of experience- mostly edits of existing work so far, I'd like some suggestions for what to do.
I can edit textures pretty well, though I can't figure out where to start with making original stuff.
I can swap out textures on meshes, and I can edit meshes without too much trouble. I can probably handle UVs if I need to.
I have fairly limited knowledge of the construction set, but I'm good at small details.
I want to start small, and I want to make something that people want.
And just to clarify, I'd like to work on original stuff, rather than more edits.