It's not tied to your level. It's a quest specific trigger.
are you sure? with me everything Always starts at level 10
Dawnguard triggers once you reach level 10 - Durak travels Skyrim on a recruitment drive for the Dawnguard at that point. However, you can go to Fort Dawnguard prior to reaching level 10 and activate the quests yourself.
If you don't like the vampire attacks, you can download a mod that lets you decide what the level requirements are for the quests to trigger. People who don't want the quests happening at all usually put level 81 as the trigger (provided you're on PC of course...also I forgot the name of the mod).
Hrm, I read on this forum somewhere that the CK spawns vampires from 9PM to 6AM, and in all that time playing, following that pattern, I've never had vamp attacks in populated areas. Now, I CAN have misread this, but I still feel like it's worth mentioning as 6PM to 8AM does leave alot of room to explore cities.
Probably a bug..? Because they attack during the day.
i saw a vampire attack during the night, honestly i dont consider this a bug i mean they are vampires it makes more sense to attack at night
Dawnguard can still be started lower then 10 but you won't get the Vamp attacks if you don't start the quest at lower levels. The Vamp attacks only start happening when you get to around level 8-9. They should stop permanently when you finish the questline assuming you don't fire any bloodcursed arrows at the sun.
I was referring to the bit about the CK. Obviously that isn't the case and they attack at day and night.
Of course, there are some that are scripted to appear during the daytime. Most are actually at night though.