1. You probably got over-hyped about this game and told yourself that it was going to be the best thing ever in your whole life and so much better than any other game ever could be. And that's stupid. You simply put your expectations too high. Now, Skyrim is a game like every other game, and it can't get any better than games can get today. So when you make yourself believe that this is going to be the best thing ever, you will of course be disappointed.
2. You play a reviewer through the whole game, endlessly pointing out bugs/things that you don't like, and completely ignoring good things that you like. Again, it is your own fault that you think this game is bad.
3. You played Morrowind for the first time a long time ago, and you felt that it was the best game that you have ever played (probably because it was your first RPG of this kind) and you didn't get the same feeling playing Skyrim. This is called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostalgia.
Now, Skyrim is only as good as you want it to be. Try not to focus on the bugs and bad things, but try to only focus about the good things that impress you. Thank you for reading.