I've read many of the new articles
Have you? Because the Technology Behind Skyrim article, page 2 said,
Many quests are still completely governed by Bethesda.
This isn't Fable III with their dull, boring, and tedious random generated Relationship Quests that have you going off to a location digging up something and returning to deliver the package to become friends with someone. Over and Over again, doing the same thing. (What a stupid addition that was for Fable. I honestly preferred just interacting with them as in Fable I and II to make friends with them.)
Before they started planning missions for Skyrim, Howard and his team reflected on what they liked about their older projects. They kept returning to the randomized encounters in Fallout 3 and Daggerfall. To build off the success of those models and improve the experience so the random encounters feel less forced or arbitrary, Bethesda undertook the ambitious task of constructing a new story management system dubbed Radiant Story.
They are more like the Random Encounters in Red Dead Redemption. Where when out in the wilderness you may encounter Strangers that are not considered side-quests but rather random encounters that will reward the player for choosing to do them. They are optional.
Bethesda's though can happen in or outside of towns and they take it to a new level as they differ based on your character.
The Radiant Story system helps randomize and relate the side quests to players to make the experience as dynamic and reactive as possible. Rather than inundate you with a string of unrelated and mundane tasks, it tailors missions based on who your character is, where you're at, what you've done in the past, and what you're currently doing.
The Radiant Story manager is always watching you, it tracks your friendships and grudges to generate missions and is smart enough to know which caves and dungeons you've already visited and thus conditionalize where, for instance, a kidnapped person is being held to direct you toward a specific place you haven't been to before, populated with a specific level of enemy. This helps Bethesda avoid repetition and usher the player into areas the team wants you to explore.
So basically it's a new tool to keep things from feeling repetitious and gives Bethesda a way to direct you into exploring new areas, so Bethesda still has a hand in there design and I doubt they'll be dull. They may be repetitive to an extent, you might come across the same event or do the same task but just at a different place for a different person in the world.
Some open world games go overboard with these side activities and stray too far from the main storyline. Bethesda is aware of this pitfall and is actively engaged in preventing the feeling of being overwhelmed by the Radiant Story missions.
No worries...