Whats the point of limiting their item stocks and gold when you can just wait 48 in game hours or go in a giant circle between towns going to different merchants to sell the rest of your stuff or buy more of the same items...
They should just have unlimited stock of all items they sell and unlimited gold for bartering
I know you don't understand. Many players don't understand basic concepts. They seem to be under the impression that because this is a video game you should be able to do whatever silly crap you want, or that since it's a fantasy world there's no point in trying to be realistic with anything.
The truth is that, while a fantasy environment, they're still trying to create a plausible world, albeit one with magic and dragons. Even a fantasy world is still bound by rules for how things work, and they're generally trying to imitate our real world. So it is with carrying limits (can't carry 3.7 tons of stuff at once) and vendor stock/gold limits. In the real world a store only has X-amount of merchandise and Y-amount of funding on hand, and it works this way in The Elder Scrolls as well. Being a video game doesn't mean you have to throw all realistic concepts to the wind.