1) Whre can I get the Brendan2 file, I can only find the brendan11 zip! EDIT:It's alright, I found it!

2) I think Privateer's Hold has a reputation for being hard because many people are just still getting used to the controls half way through! If only Bethesda had edited the Z.cfg so the game used the viewplyr.dat file before zipping it for download, then the default control scheme would have been WASD with mouse look, which is how modern games work, of course.
I think also many gamers are coming to this as though it's a modern game, and that somehow i) you have to kill all the monsters, and ii) it's good for your character in some way, if you kill all the monsters. No one tells you you have to go in each door as you find them! You can also do them in a different order based on your character, check to see what's inside, then re-close the door and move on. In other words, do in the Privateers Hold what you will do in the main game! People coming to this from Oblivion, of course, are thinking its the same as the sewer tutorial, where you couldn't die whatever character you chose, and in fact you were still choosing half way through the tutorial! If gamers just thought 'non linear' from the get-go, they would be a lot better off!

Also, many first time player's will choose a character that is the same as they chose in Oblivion, without realising that choice could mean a much harder beginning to the game. Also, by choosing a pre-determined character, they don't get to choose any weapons,etc. Finally, the loot drops will also change how difficult Privateer's Hold is. I had some bow skill,and was lucky enough to find a bow and 6 arrows (on the bowman behind the desk). I also found an Elven longsword in the treasure in the first 'rat' room. This meant, for example, I could killthe skeleton with the bow (from a high ledge) without him coming near me. The Elven sword also meant I could deal with the imps.
So what makes Daggerfall so brilliant, is right from the get-go, there are so many variables As to how the game is going to pan out in the early stages! Certainly coming from Oblivion, a lot of pre-conceptions are made about Privateer's Hold that do not bare fruit - to say the least!