I don't want to be everyone's errand boy!

Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:04 am

English is not my first language and I came across the term “errand boy” a couple of days ago. Not knowing what it meant, I looked it up from the dictionary:

Someone nominally in a responsible position who performs relatively menial tasks for a senior manager.

Well, that sounds awfully familiary, doesn't it? I believe a more accurate title for the game would have been something like this:

“Dovahkiin the errand boy”

Because that is what you are in the game! Almost every single time I meet a new NCP in the game, they want me to deliver some goods or kills someone. I don't want to be their errand boy! Are there actually any quests that don't include performing such repetitive tasks?

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Matt Gammond
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:30 pm

play a different game

FONV is worse BTW

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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:21 pm

You definitely feel like an errand boy for Farengar.

A little off topic. I have noticed that users who say English isn't their primary language write it very well, whereas others who English is their primary svck at it.

Just a little observation.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:17 am

a night to remember is a good quest.
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:32 pm

Just don't take their quests and do something else. :)

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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:55 am

Welcome to the world of rpg's. That's a pretty large portion of your tasks in most of them.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:02 am

If a language isn't your primary language, you're more likely to speak and write it as you were taught it - in the 'correct' and most formal form of the language. However, that isn't how people speak or write in the real world; from a very early age, people learn the rules of their mother tongue and are able to bend and break those rules to great effect. I do notice that written English on the internet is appalling at times, and it does irk me a great deal, but I hold my tongue. It'll be the same with other languages, of which I have studied German the most - I notice that when I learn anything in German, it's not necessarily how a native German speaker would phrase it.

Regarding the OP: you don't have to accept all quests and you can ignore NPCs you know to have quests up their sleeves until you are happy to oblige.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:22 am

YEAH! In New Vegas they treat you like you are some kind of courier. :swear:

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:51 pm

Thanks, I'll look up that quest.

Which is really unfortunate. I mean, it's not that difficult to come up with something creative that gives the player some choice and encourages finding creative solutions to different problems. Anyone can create simple quests like: “Bring me 10 bear pelts” or “Go to cave X and kill bandit leader Y”.

For instance, how about a quest where you have to create a full set of armor for gladiator who is opposite six to the player and fights in the arena. And you only complete the quest if he/she wins the tournament. A true competition between the blacksmiths of Skyrim. After that, you get to spectate the combat and see how well you have done. That way you have more incentive to take up blacksmithing and you actually feel like your choices have some consequences in the game. For me it's definitely more fun than delivering simple goods for a complete stranger!

Yes, but I've noticed that sometimes the game doesn't even give you a choice. You only have one option such as “Sure, I'll take care of it” and your quest log soon fills up with very similar simple quests...

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:08 am

The reason for that is because those fluent in English also know the slang or various slangs that typically associate with a regional dialect or dialects. For example I will type out the question: "How you doin'?" which is not proper English at all, but it is a valid slang phrase in a particular dialect which is native to the Philadelphia area. This is not something that is limited to English speaking people, whether they be from North America or United Kingdom. When you write in proper Mandarin and speak in proper Mandarin as a 2nd language, you do not write or sound like people who use it as their first. It happens all over the world.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:40 am

You don't have to accept every quest, although i completely understand what the OP is saying. All the minor quests are basically repetitive padding until you do a main quest.

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Jay Baby
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:32 am

Pretty much this.

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John Moore
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:05 am

Play something else

Or just don't say, sure, I'll do that for you.

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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:11 pm

Couldn't agree more. Lately while playing Skyrim, I just don't do any of the side quests. I don't care about these people and their problems, so why should I waste my time for them? If you play on the computer than go download some realism mods and just... well... live! That's the only way I can enjoy this game anymore. It kinda svcks when you stop and really look at what it offers by itself. :sadvaultboy:

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