Don't you miss the complexity of Morrowind?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:29 pm

Hmm. There's quite a few things I wish they hadn't taken out of Skyrim (or failed to include in it, depending) but it does seem that the prevailing opinion that Morrowind is some sort of transcended be-all and end-all of RPG playing is getting a bit tired. It's an opinion that's infested TESF for over five years now and I'm not sure it's really improved with age. I enjoyed Morrowind, but it's not that great. There, I said it.

I think it's important to take each game with its own merits.
Morrowind is a game I like very very much, but I try not to make it a standard by which all others should be judged.
Daggerfall fans do the same thing. :bowdown:
Additionally, everything that folks here point out as weak points in Skyrim, simply give me a heads up on what to ignore about it, so I can move on and enjoy the game the way I want.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:15 am

I think it's important to take each game with its own merits.
Morrowind is a game I like very very much, but I try not to make it a standard by which all others should be judged.
Daggerfall fans do the same thing. :bowdown:
Additionally, everything that folks here point out as weak points in Skyrim, simply give me a heads up on what to ignore about it, so I can move on and enjoy the game the way I want.

Thanks for voicing what I wish I'd said were I rather less tetchy! I could never get into Daggerfall, but of Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim (and FO3 and New Vegas for that matter) I enjoyed each one on its own merits. Would I have liked them all to include stuff I liked from the other games? Probably, but I guess for that to happen, we'd be into Duke Nukem Forever territory...
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:56 am

I don't miss Morrowind at all. So many improvements since then. Logical ones. I think some of you fail to realize that if you're improving upon an older system your primary goal is to make it simpler so that it's outward function is understandable, fruitful and enjoyable. Oblivion did it for Morrowind and Skyrim does it for Oblivion. Complexity isn't interesting simply to be complex. It can be yes if there is something new to learn but not when you are trying to improve what you've created before. Bethesda repeated in interview many times. "We wanted to improve on our old skill system." They've done that.

I really wish the disheartened and sentimental would just move on. Rather then bait argument over and over again.
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The Time Car
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:11 am

To you guys complaining. Why dont you just play morrowind if it is soo vastly better than skyrim. I dont see the point in playing it if there is a better game in the series thats better
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:55 am

I miss people complaining about how dumbed down Morrowind was over Daggerfall. Same complaints, different day.

I loved Morrowind in spite of the gameplay mechanics, which I found lacking. Combat was less than fun. Most of the advancement of plot was done through reading. Great stories, great lore, great experience. However, it took a lot of my imagination to make it stick, as far as the gameplay was.

Skyrim has great stories, a great immersive atmosphere, just like Morrowind, but the gameplay, in my opinion, is so much better. I feel more inolved in the experience. I don't play these games to babysit my stats. I want my character to grow through the experiences he has. I think Skyrim's levelling system does a better job of this.

I never had a problem with Morrowind's difficulty. I like getting my backside handed to me sometimes. Skyrim does the same thing, so I don't have a problem with it.

For me, Skyrim captures what I thought was great about Morrowind, the atmopshere, the sense of setting, the air of adventure, and makes it better. Skyrim also greatly improves on how I interact with that world. That's just my feeling, however.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:02 pm

Skyrim has more complexity than Morrowind.

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naome duncan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:43 am

Why are all the skyrim fans getting so butt hurt about others not giving it a 100% on the greatness meter?

The main thing that skyrim is missing is the meat between the bread. Alot of it is you go from point A and appear at point D, completely skipping B & C ( the depth ). Just things like that are what are annoying some people. I meet a npc, do 1 quest for her and all a sudden I can marry her? I join stormcloaks but impersials talk to me like I am an imperial? Guilds are just bland and empty.

Coming from the past games, I expected more to be added. Not more taken away and "steamlined" aka simplified. There is just no immersion in the game. I feel zero connect to whatever storyline is happening, etc.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:23 am

Skyrim has more complexity than Morrowind. You're just focusing on what Skyrim left behind instead of what it picked up.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:07 am

Yes but taking Morrowind's system as a base and adding 10 years of technology with the combat from Oblivion and Skyrim would make for a pretty damn good game.

The combat from any other game would be a drastic improvement. I can't believe that someone actually thinks any TES game did combat well in any respect. Skyrim is the first game in the series where they got some of it ok, and that was just with Archery. The rest is as archaic and sleep inducing as it ever was. Even Fable did combat better, and it was just mashing X while occasionally hitting Y.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:51 pm

Back in the day, when gaming was almost exclusive to PC's, and nintendo/gamecubes were used by the unwashed masses, games could involve more in regards to mechanics because gamers, mostly, were more intelligent as they were also mostly PC types with a lot of experience, smarts, and knowledge.

Once gaming went maintstream, and the low intellect jocks and such found gaming to be cool after all, they had to dumb down the interfaces and mechanics to continue to appeal to the masses.

So, don't blame consoles. Blame economics and greed. Gaming was best when it was done by smart geeks.

Other examples - Mechwarrior series, Space Fighter Simulators, PC football gaming versus 'techmobowl', etc.
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Jessica White
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:28 am

I miss people complaining about how dumbed down Morrowind was over Daggerfall. Same complaints, different day.

I loved Morrowind in spite of the gameplay mechanics, which I found lacking. Combat was less than fun. Most of the advancement of plot was done through reading. Great stories, great lore, great experience. However, it took a lot of my imagination to make it stick, as far as the gameplay was.

Skyrim has great stories, a great immersive atmosphere, just like Morrowind, but the gameplay, in my opinion, is so much better. I feel more inolved in the experience. I don't play these games to babysit my stats. I want my character to grow through the experiences he has. I think Skyrim's levelling system does a better job of this.

I never had a problem with Morrowind's difficulty. I like getting my backside handed to me sometimes. Skyrim does the same thing, so I don't have a problem with it.

For me, Skyrim captures what I thought was great about Morrowind, the atmopshere, the sense of setting, the air of adventure, and makes it better. Skyrim also greatly improves on how I interact with that world. That's just my feeling, however.

:hugs: i didnt think anyone remebered what that was like (gripes over morrowind) skyrims awesom but so far no experience in tes will beat shivering isles for me
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:03 pm

why whine in a skyrim forum about how much you like older games better, Please continue, my good sir. and go play...i dont like alot of things they did but i do like alot of the new things and overall the game is much improved from previous tes, i havent removed it from my xbox
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Amber Ably
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:12 pm

Even though there are some features Morrowind really shined through, the overall gameplay was less than enjoyable. I never played it without cheat codes - I couldn't get anywhere. The Story was a great adventure and the gear variety was enjoyable. The other really good feature of MW was the conversation system. That's about it. The gameplay, what you actually do in the game, was not enjoyable compared to Oblivion and Skyrim. The hunting, the fighting, the questing, everything has been more enjoyable since Oblivion.

I don't understand the hatred to Oblivion, a game once hailed as a masterpiece. The interface was fluid and well organized. The factions were varied and provided a lengthy questline without needless wandering. Aside from the level scaling, which I didn't mind all that much, I really don't have that much of a problem with it. I intend on returning to it after I complete Skyrim. I have unfinished business with the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood - I need the achivements. I also need to complete the Daedric quests and Shivering Isles.

Skyrim takes what Oblivion was and, for the most part, improved upon it. The environments are beautiful and ornate, the nation feels alive, the combat is gratifying. My only qualm with Skyrim is the brevity of the factions. There are 9 - they just need to be expanded upon. But for all the people complaining about hand-holding - do you need quests to roleplay? Do you need someone to say, go here, do this. It's nice but I would reckon the people that play hundreds of hours make their own adventures.

So in short while I miss some features Morrowind had, as mentioned in my earlier post, I love Oblivion and Skyrim for their own glory.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:24 pm

Yes, I agree. For this reason, I'm going to install Morrowind again and play it with the MGE mod.

I am going to install this tonight since I am currently playing Morrowind again.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 am

Hey everyone, I don't know about you guys, but I'm really miss the complexity of Morrowind, like use different parts of different armors, to do your on spell, to have to worry about the weapon/armor wear and tear, to have to buy a lot of equipament to do the alchemy, the various type of weapons short blade, long blade, etc, and the different skills to everyone of them. It's seens that in Skyrim they are trying to call more people to play the game removing a lot of complexy, I've felt this since Oblivion, I hope they do a more complexy TES VI or at least try to do a difficulty schema to make more or less complexy.

As long as Todd Howard is in charge of TES and the target audience are those who don't like RPG's than we will never get another complex RPG that rivals Morrowind, Daggerfall and Arena.

This is why we need to constantly remind Bethesda and the dev team that we WANT a more complex RPG and not let up until we are heard. This is why fans like us need to continue to fight for a more complex RPG and continue to let Bethesda know where they went wrong and what they need to do to correct it. This is why we can't just leave the forums because Bethesda has changed direction, we need to stay and fight and try to convince them than a more complex RPG is what is needed to make TES the series it was, not the series it is now.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:28 am

:hugs: i didnt think anyone remebered what that was like (gripes over morrowind) skyrims awesom but so far no experience in tes will beat shivering isles for me

I remember complaints were made. But up until Skyrim came out, I played the crap out of Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind and I gotta say... Morrowind is leaps and bounds more robust than Daggerfall in many, many ways. The map might be smaller, but it's got more character. And so what if you can't open a conversation rudely. If you really wanted people to hate you in Morrowind, just talk to them naked and with a weapon drawn. :P

Combat was more or less the same, but instead of using your mouse to control your swing style, you used the movement keys.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:48 am

I don't want Skyrim to be as complex as Morrowind, I want it to be more complex, for those morons out there I'm not talking about numbers I'm talking about content in general. Skyrim sure as hell doesn't look better than Dead Island, that's for sure. As for perks, I don't want to think, I want a fun game not something with one narrow minded path where you either waste time with multiple characters or chose what to cut off.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:31 am

i miss The last Ninja for commodore 64
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:47 pm

To you guys complaining. Why dont you just play morrowind if it is soo vastly better than skyrim. I dont see the point in playing it if there is a better game in the series thats better

It's one thing to give constructive criticism/feedback to Bethesda to let them know things you think could be improved.

What I DON'T understand are the angry people that claim to be totally disatisfied with the game (that claim it isn't even a RPG) continuing to post in the Skyrim section. Personally I don't play games I don't like and I certainly don't frequent their forums. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining (I fully appreciate the entertainment value of nerd rage and people having heated passionate arguments over a fricken video game), I just don't UNDERSTAND it.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:07 am

I have been playing these types of games for decades. Forward not backwards please. Some people might like having to spend years building up their alchemy equipment and lugging it around with them but not me. That's not complexity it's just tedium. Complexity is character enrichment, dynamic conversation, stories with multiple outcomes depending on the choices you make. combat that doesn't make me want to stay in my virtual house and make potions all day because I get killed by mudcrabs at level 25. Complexity is not how much stuff you have or need.
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Jason King
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:40 am

i miss The last Ninja for commodore 64

^^ This


Ontopic. I think all TES games have their strengths and weaknesses.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:34 am

what's complexity, why is it good, why do people think sheer numbers are complex?

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:15 am

I have been playing these types of games for decades. Forward not backwards please. Some people might like having to spend years building up their alchemy equipment and lugging it around with them but not me. That's not complexity it's just tedium. Complexity is character enrichment, dynamic conversation, stories with multiple outcomes depending on the choices you make. combat that doesn't make me want to stay in my virtual house and make potions all day because I get killed by mudcrabs at level 25. Complexity is not how much stuff you have or need.

I'll have to say this.

The "number complexity romance" that some have for Morrowind sure is creepy. Morrowind is a great game, but I wouldn't call it more complex than Skyrim.
I think that the main thief behind Morrowinds resistance force is named nostalgia.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:30 am

Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining (I fully appreciate the entertainment value of nerd rage and people having heated passionate arguments over a fricken video game), I just don't UNDERSTAND it.

:yes: I get almost more entertainment out of the forums than the games themselves :lmao:

Much, much more in DA2's case :rofl:
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:36 am

It's one thing to give constructive criticism/feedback to Bethesda to let them know things you think could be improved.

What I DON'T understand are the angry people that claim to be totally disatisfied with the game (that claim it isn't even a RPG) continuing to post in the Skyrim section. Personally I don't play games I don't like and I certainly don't frequent their forums. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining (I fully appreciate the entertainment value of nerd rage and people having heated passionate arguments over a fricken video game), I just don't UNDERSTAND it.

I apologize up front if I offend, but if you don't understand it than are you really a FAN of the series or just think Skyrim is a good game and aren't really worried about the next TES game or the series as a whole?

I've been playing and following TES since Daggerfall. I have been following the forums since Morrowind was announced, even though my join date says otherwise. I am someone who cares about the series and someone who wants an RPG that I know Bethesda can make.

Bethesda has made quality RPG's in the past, that quality has degraded considerably since Morrowind was created. Oblivion and Skyrim have taken the series down to where Role Playing is just about non-existant. The complexity isn't there.

I play only one series of RPG's, that is TES. All the others, Fable, Gothic, ect., don't come close to the rich and open world type of RPG that TES was. Skyrim is a great open world game but it is a VERY POOR excuse for a TES RPG.

I care about the games, I care about the series and that is why I'm here trying to convince Bethesda to go back and make more of the complex RPG's that I KNOW they can make. I care enough to fight for what I want instead of just saying "The hell with it" and leave a series behind that I enjoy so much.

Again, I'm not sure if you are a fan or just someone who enjoys Skyrim but if you don't understand than think of it this way. I'm a fan of the TES series just like the rabid fans of sports teams, which I'm also a part of. Just like I want to see my beloved Washington Redskins win every Sunday and support them and cheer for them I want to see the same for TES. I want TES to be the BEST RPG it can be. Oblivion and Skyrim have fallen short. It pains me that they have. I want that to change.
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