It's one thing to give constructive criticism/feedback to Bethesda to let them know things you think could be improved.
What I DON'T understand are the angry people that claim to be totally disatisfied with the game (that claim it isn't even a RPG) continuing to post in the Skyrim section. Personally I don't play games I don't like and I certainly don't frequent their forums. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining (I fully appreciate the entertainment value of nerd rage and people having heated passionate arguments over a fricken video game), I just don't UNDERSTAND it.
I apologize up front if I offend, but if you don't understand it than are you really a FAN of the series or just think Skyrim is a good game and aren't really worried about the next TES game or the series as a whole?
I've been playing and following TES since Daggerfall. I have been following the forums since Morrowind was announced, even though my join date says otherwise. I am someone who cares about the series and someone who wants an RPG that I know Bethesda can make.
Bethesda has made quality RPG's in the past, that quality has degraded considerably since Morrowind was created. Oblivion and Skyrim have taken the series down to where Role Playing is just about non-existant. The complexity isn't there.
I play only one series of RPG's, that is TES. All the others, Fable, Gothic, ect., don't come close to the rich and open world type of RPG that TES was. Skyrim is a great open world game but it is a VERY POOR excuse for a TES RPG.
I care about the games, I care about the series and that is why I'm here trying to convince Bethesda to go back and make more of the complex RPG's that I KNOW they can make. I care enough to fight for what I want instead of just saying "The hell with it" and leave a series behind that I enjoy so much.
Again, I'm not sure if you are a fan or just someone who enjoys Skyrim but if you don't understand than think of it this way. I'm a fan of the TES series just like the rabid fans of sports teams, which I'm also a part of. Just like I want to see my beloved Washington Redskins win every Sunday and support them and cheer for them I want to see the same for TES. I want TES to be the BEST RPG it can be. Oblivion and Skyrim have fallen short. It pains me that they have. I want that to change.