In this kind of game, more options = good.
Alright. Lets ask Bethesda to add some skill trees and attributes to Skyrim. We'll also need power trees, and talent trees, and personality skills! And some penguins. Why not have penguins in the game?! More options, the better! Yeah! Penguin race! Also, a dragon race, a pony race, a horse race, a tree race, a rat race, a smiley race, a cat race (oh, wait---Khajiits! Lets add another one just in case), a human race (yeah, we got Imperials, but lets just copy them and rename them Human), and even maybe a ZzzzzZDcxxXX race (it's just a race without textures, shhh). With all of this, might as well add guns! Oh, and big toothpicks as weapons. We should also have it be required to name our characters with 4 different names, so it's like we got 3 invisible companions with us! Good graphics should be combined with bad graphics. This will optimize our ideal. Lets also add multi-player. But, instead of people grouping up and doing quests, it should be just a huge battlefield and if you want to do quests, you got to escape from enemy players (which is, everyone!). There should also be 500 slots for the 500 different types of armor. Leg armor slot 1 (lower knee), leg armor slot 2 (upper knee), leg armor slot 3 (lower thigh), leg armor slot 4 (lower-middle thigh), leg armor slot 5 (middle thigh), leg armor slot 5 (upper-middle thigh), and so on. And 900 different types of weapons. Long sword, short sword, middle-short sword, middle-long-short-long-axe sword, etc.. Throw in some Call of Duty mechanics in there, and we got ourselves the best game ever!! Oh, we'll also need a package of lightsabers.
Not trying to be mean or anything, but more options does not = good. :shrug: