Im done after 30 - 40 hours whats going on here?

Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:20 am

4 hours in, not touched a SINGLE quest (besides tut for the rifle) and I have not went south past primm, or past primm pass.
I did try to go North of good springs, that was a bad idea.
Managed to just make it half way to level 6, all with out doing ANY quests. I have had to flee from some giant scoprs. Using W.W for the first time, and its really neat.

I have discovered MANY new map markers, that help me jump back and forth between town and where I was while I was exploring.

So far I have ventured so far exploring that, (never been to the places before)

1) ran into one D.C at primm pass. Had to flee.

2) Tried to go North on the back road from primm, Had to flee due to caezadors.

3) Encountered a S.M.M and a small gang of centaurs, had to withdraw after stealth killing 3 centaurs.

4)Found a new location, Prospectors tavern or something, good loot. Nice safe house. Further testing required before committing to using this as a safe house. Has everything I need.
campfire outside, reloading bench inside. Several containers. My own sarsa vending machine.

5) found new location again after heading back to town. Hells motel. and a marked area. Something crater.

6) back to town, went east. Found more new locations. abandoned shack, Some sort of huge cross and a wolfs den with some good loot for a starting character.

7)Visited Hidden valley, small amount of caps stockpile, about 1,500 caps.

Stopped for the night.

Not bad for four hours of NON quest related exploring, planning on hitting level 10+ before I start the quest in primm. I think tonight I will work my way north towards the rock quarry, but stop before I reach the Death claws.
Need to discover Mojave outpost for repairs to my weapons.
Need to visit primm, but not start any quest.
Planning on coming back with better rifle and killing D.C at prim pass and finishing off centaurs and S.M.M. Finish exploring around Primm pass.
Need to visit G.S school and unlock safe.

Need to visit the NCRCF while I am non hostile to them and check for quests, before doing quest at primm

That's nice but what are you trying to say? I don't get it sorry. And about the quests, yes you do get a TON of quests but it's only about 80 in total. I've already completed 60 quests and I'm stuck with 4 where I don't really know what to do ( for example: cold, cold heart : spread legion atrocities) Now I'm off just exploring the wasteland, I've found 135 locations now including all the vaults and I'm trying to get them all. All in all I think I will be done before 50 hours and I play this the same way as I did fallout 3, where I could easily put 100 hours into a character.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:43 am

i have visted nearly all the locations
and have done the quest, nearly all of them i am level 29, almost at 30
i did not do vaults 34 quest
and again by doing the side quest some of which are attached to the main quest
u will find the mmain quest very very short
i explore FIRST
and in this game, as u said every town that has people that is, does indeed have quests
most of which are fetching quests
i have all the factions at like or higher
except caesar, and i am vilified by choice
you cannot get to that level without doing their quests
lets see
great khan. liked
goodsprings liked
freeside liked
boomers loved
ncr loved loved
strip loved
brotherhood of steele loved
etc etc etc
so yes it does not take long
vault 19 is the powder ganger who like me
i did not do that quest because i need c4, which i sold
in order to do the quest the way i want to
but i did them all
and since i know how the game plays i could do it all a lot faster
i am very organised as a person
but this is a one play thru game, too glitchy for me
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:05 pm

yes you do get a TON of quests but it's only about 80 in total.

What do you mean by only?
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rolanda h
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:15 am

What do you mean by only?

Well that 60 of 80 quests can be completed in 10 minutes. As almost all of them are stupid go talk to him, go find that quests. While I always thought of fallout as something that DIDN'T have those quests.
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:41 am

I'm at 11 hours or so and the games hasn't even started yet :lol:
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:55 am

That's nice but what are you trying to say? I don't get it sorry. And about the quests, yes you do get a TON of quests but it's only about 80 in total. I've already completed 60 quests and I'm stuck with 4 where I don't really know what to do ( for example: cold, cold heart : spread legion atrocities) Now I'm off just exploring the wasteland, I've found 135 locations now including all the vaults and I'm trying to get them all. All in all I think I will be done before 50 hours and I play this the same way as I did fallout 3, where I could easily put 100 hours into a character.

I am saying, for four hours I did absolutely NOTHING besides wondering around and had fun doing it.

Yes, some quests are short, but many,many more are longer. Some take hours tom complete. You can not have every quest be a massive chain of things, nor can they all be short jobs. I find its a nice balance.

My main point is, I could wonder around for likely 10-20 hours before doing any quest, just wondering around exploring.

Vanilla FO-3 is not going to last a 100 hours, maybe with DLC's and/or mods. I think my first time through FO-3 was around 50-55 hours. Thats what I have gotten out of N.V so far 48.

EVEN IF, the game is over in 60 hours thats a 1 to 1 ratio of dollar spent to time played. Play a second time and the time to money value is huge.
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:41 am

I'm not saying there is small replay value or something like that, it's just that fallout new vegas is focused heavily on the rpg part of the game and shaping your character in a changing world. What they did or what it feels like they did is they put all their effort into the factions and new vegas, then they realised the game didn't have enough locations so they just mass produced a 150 locations and slapped them all in there. For people who loved fallout 3 because of the massive exploration part ( and believe me you can easily put a hundred hours in fallout 3 by just exploring ) this is a huge slap in the face, that there is so little to actually no focus on exploration whatsoever. I am one of those people as you've problaby figured out by now. I also don't see what you mean with that you did nothing in those 4 hours, you did something and that was finding new locations. You can't say that you can put alot of time in fallout new vegas because you can walk around a blank wasteland with no special encounter but that doesn't matter because it's still fun.

Anyway as I said I've loved fallout 3 especially because there was so much to explore, in new vegas this is not the case and I'm just about done with exploring except for a handful of locations I haven't discovered yet. In fallout 3 there were all these little things to find and discover, even after 200 hours of playing across multiple character did I still find things I hadn't seen before. But yet again in new vegas this is not the case. I like the improved role playing part of the game, but it offers more playtime in terms of making new characters and doing things differently instead of having a massive world to explore with only one character. I've played fallout new vegas for 37 hours now and as I said I'm almost done exploring and I even did a large number of quests. I believe one of the reasons that I managed to do this so "fast" is because I basically know where everything is. I remember all the basic stuff as to where to find password and keys and where the usual aid boxes are located and all that sort of stuff, I barely had to figure anything out but even I would've had to figure everything out they still took away exploration and I am just very dissapointed because of that.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:31 am

Well that 60 of 80 quests can be completed in 10 minutes. As almost all of them are stupid go talk to him, go find that quests. While I always thought of fallout as something that DIDN'T have those quests.

Funnily enough, that's not my experience at all.

I find it refreshing that some (if not even most) quests can be solved via dialog (almost all of them have other options too) should my characterbuild support that kind of approach, instead of go through these caves to those caves and through them you arrive at a factorymaze through which you find your goal (and there is plenty of that too).
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:32 am

I had typed this as a reply to someone but I continued for such a long time that I decided to make a thread about it, keep in mind that I'm only talking about the exploration part here. I absolutely love fallout new vegas, they have heavily improved on game mechanics and all the factions are really cool (especially the interraction between them) Anyways as for the post:

I completely agree with OP, and I must say I've been exploring for about 30 hours now ( also doing main quest which is now completed and doing ALOT of side missions) and I'm almost done with this game. I mean what THE HELL!?? I'm level 28 now so almost at the level cap, this still bothers me but it was the same in fallout 3 (that you would reach you level cap WAY before you were done with the game). However, I've just about explored everything, I've discovered a hundred locations out of the 125 in the game (and been through all of them) I have found 8 special weapons already. And I have completed a ton of quest for various factions and talked to alot of people. But it only took me 30 hours. I'm guessing another 10 hours and I'll have just about anything explored.

The reason I'm so surprised about this all is because I have played fallout 3 for about 300 hours (I've also lost my very first character but I'm not sure how much I played with him), on multiple characters naturally but I could spend atleast a hundred 100 (if not 150) in one single character. But in new vegas I'm just about done after 40 - 45 and I'm not really looking forward to starting over again. People say that fallout 3 was empty but I couldn't disagree more. Sure fallout new vegas is FILLED with locations, but half of them are [censored] ones (abandoned shack anyone?) and you can run through them in a few minutes if not seconds. What I miss is DC, I've spent countless hours exploring that city but in new vegas there's nothing like that. And everywhere you look there's people! I like the concept of all the factions but they have focused to much on it, I don't want to find those bloody ncr at every twist and turn. I want these gritty ruins/underground tunnels to explore every once in a while, however in new vegas there's nothing like that to be found.

There's seriously a location which is searchlight airport (or something like that) and when I found it I was really excited for something big to explore. Guess what I can't enter a SINGLE building, it really feels to me like obsidian just put all their effort into the factions and then filled the rest of the world up with these [censored] locations. And then they put all these big mountains in, which could have been filled with tons of interesting stuff instead there's the rare cave that takes 10 seconds to search through and a MAZE OF FRIGGING INVISIBLE BARRIERS [censored] EVERYWHERE!!!! The world builders have done an unbelievable slack job if you ask me. I mean fallout 3 had some [censored] locations aswell but it was SOME and it also had DC to make up for it.

The next thing I'm particularly dissapointed about is jacobstown. I love the new super mutants over the "old" ones (referring to fallout 3) in every single way. I talked to everyone in jacobstown and did every quest. How many people did I talk to? 3.... How many quests did I do? 2.... How long did it take me to do it? an hour..... I'm so dissapointed that this wasn't fleshed out at all, they could've done so much more with this all this potential wasted. I would've liked to see much more quests and mutants to talk to. And this is not only the case in jacobstown it's the case in much more locations.

The very last thing I wanted to address is the sunset sarsaparilla factory as an example. In fallout 3 the nuka cola factory was filled with awesome and unique stuff! Nukalurks and a bunch of backgroundstory and history. In new vegas the sunset sarsaparilla factory was bland, had barely any backgroundstory and had a very hard locked door with literally nothing behind it except for some 10mm rounds. I take the sunset sarsaparilla factory as an example here because this is the case throughout the whole of fallout new vegas, in fallout 3 a big reason for me to go exploring was to find this unique stuff like nukalurks. In new vegas there doesn't seem to be any at least not in the 100 out of 125 locations I've discovered. Another example is a crashed vertibird somewhere in the wasteland with a prototype tesla cannons next to it (spoiler? well it's too late now) There was absolutely NO information about this whatsoever, just the cannon, the vertibird and some skeletons. I was spyched at finding the cannon but rather dissapointed afterwards. I am quite dissapointed in fallout new vegas, it seems bland, unfinished and empty (not story wise though).

IMy first character completed the game at over 100 hours and I skipped a large chunk of stuff....guess I must be playing it wrong or something? Oh... that was on very hard and hardcoe.

I think there are at least 4 different endings and they vary a bit based on ALL of the "side bets".

What difficulty are you playing on? FO3 combat was easy no matter what difficulty it was set on, whereas NV very hard with hardcoe can be a bit brutal depending on character builds. FO3 was a maze, litterally and in subsequent playthroughs I found the time actually spent doing anything with real meat to it to be about 15-20 hours and the rest was a grind. NV seems to have a lot more to do and the filler was trimmed off, but if you like gristle and fat on your steak I guess you would be going hungry. FO3 I explored once all the way through.... and couldn't get myself to wander through all the excess with my other characters.

Nukalurks were mirelurks, but a different color......Fergus alone puts the Nukacola Factory to shame. (Turn in those star caps!)

The FO3 spaceship is the NV vertibird.... you seem to forget that part of FO 3.

FO3 had tons of houses and tunnels that held nothing in them. FO3 had TONS of wasted hills and valleys with maybe 1 robot or a radscorpion.... but I guess that was due to them putting more area between locations. The FO 3 wasteland was..... bland, but it was also hit by nukes whereas the NV area was not.

I agree that Jacobstown was underdeveloped and I would like more mutants as well.

FO NV radio stations are 100x better than FO3's....but I still miss the songs.

They are 2 different flavors of the same genre made by 2 different companies of the same genre..... so ya it is different, but not worse.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:55 am

IMy first character completed the game at over 100 hours and I skipped a large chunk of stuff....guess I must be playing it wrong or something? Oh... that was on very hard and hardcoe.

I think there are at least 4 different endings and they vary a bit based on ALL of the "side bets".

What difficulty are you playing on? FO3 combat was easy no matter what difficulty it was set on, whereas NV very hard with hardcoe can be a bit brutal depending on character builds. FO3 was a maze, litterally and in subsequent playthroughs I found the time actually spent doing anything with real meat to it to be about 15-20 hours and the rest was a grind. NV seems to have a lot more to do and the filler was trimmed off, but if you like gristle and fat on your steak I guess you would be going hungry. FO3 I explored once all the way through.... and couldn't get myself to wander through all the excess with my other characters.

Nukalurks were mirelurks, but a different color......Fergus alone puts the Nukacola Factory to shame. (Turn in those star caps!)

The FO3 spaceship is the NV vertibird.... you seem to forget that part of FO 3.

FO3 had tons of houses and tunnels that held nothing in them. FO3 had TONS of wasted hills and valleys with maybe 1 robot or a radscorpion.... but I guess that was due to them putting more area between locations. The FO 3 wasteland was..... bland, but it was also hit by nukes whereas the NV area was not.

I agree that Jacobstown was underdeveloped and I would like more mutants as well.

FO NV radio stations are 100x better than FO3's....but I still miss the songs.

They are 2 different flavors of the same genre made by 2 different companies of the same genre..... so ya it is different, but not worse.

as I said I've loved fallout 3 especially because there was so much to explore, in new vegas this is not the case and I'm just about done with exploring except for a handful of locations I haven't discovered yet. In fallout 3 there were all these little things to find and discover, even after 200 hours of playing across multiple character did I still find things I hadn't seen before. But yet again in new vegas this is not the case. I like the improved role playing part of the game, but it offers more playtime in terms of making new characters and doing things differently instead of having a massive world to explore with only one character. I've played fallout new vegas for 37 hours now and as I said I'm almost done exploring and I even did a large number of quests. I believe one of the reasons that I managed to do this so "fast" is because I basically know where everything is. I remember all the basic stuff as to where to find password and keys and where the usual aid boxes are located and all that sort of stuff, I barely had to figure anything out but even I would've had to figure everything out they still took away exploration and I am just very dissapointed because of that.

I play on hard, I was planning to do very hard in my second playthrough of new vegas.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:06 pm

I am at about 84 hours and I've done quite a bit myself (there are actually about 186 or more locations btw), I do need to complete more quests but nothing that progresses the main storyline really.

I've watched 3 or 4 different endings so far, done about 2 or 3 playthroughs (different each time) and there is still a bunch of stuff I want to do and re-do, played on normal to very easy by the way, hard and very hard are too much for me haha. My first playthrough took me about 25 hours and I missed A LOT of stuff and didn't even reach level 25, fully playing this game and finding all special unique items takes a long time cause there are so many paths and places to go. Do you have like everything though now?

By the way what traits did you take?? I know that taking the wild wasteland one makes you find random/different items, it's the only way to get the alien blaster without console commands.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:56 am

as I said I've loved fallout 3 especially because there was so much to explore, in new vegas this is not the case and I'm just about done with exploring except for a handful of locations I haven't discovered yet. In fallout 3 there were all these little things to find and discover, even after 200 hours of playing across multiple character did I still find things I hadn't seen before. But yet again in new vegas this is not the case. I like the improved role playing part of the game, but it offers more playtime in terms of making new characters and doing things differently instead of having a massive world to explore with only one character. I've played fallout new vegas for 37 hours now and as I said I'm almost done exploring and I even did a large number of quests. I believe one of the reasons that I managed to do this so "fast" is because I basically know where everything is. I remember all the basic stuff as to where to find password and keys and where the usual aid boxes are located and all that sort of stuff, I barely had to figure anything out but even I would've had to figure everything out they still took away exploration and I am just very dissapointed because of that.

I play on hard, I was planning to do very hard in my second playthrough of new vegas.

HUH? LMAo, its amazing how people's minds change after time passes. Fallout 3 had more filler content then most games. There were very few good side quests, most places were all the same with just useless garbage, no weapons that you didnt already have, filled with garbage like crutches, scrap metal, and all looked identical. NV has a lot more interesting areas to explore that vary, and have better loot to find. Fallout 3 suffered the same thing as oblivion, Quantity of quality. Also, the map IS just as big, it takes longer to go an inch across the map then it did on the fallout 3 map.

If you say there is nothing there, then your playing a different game, as Fallout 3 was way worse in that regard. Not to mention most of DC was linear and blocked off and connected with the same looking subway with nothing of interest in the,.

hardcoe mode also makes it more important to collect food, water, and crafting makes all that junk more usefull. real survival. In 3 it was just there for looks really.

Fallout 3 was full of filler and samey places compared to NV. As for 30-40 hours? Sounds like your rushing, I got more then that and still have a tonne left to do, Im willing to bet there is a lot you missed. I started a second CHAR (Like having 2 at the same time) and already found things i missed, lots of details in this game.
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:52 am

HUH? LMAo, its amazing how people's minds change after time passes. Fallout 3 had more filler content then most games. There were very few good side quests, most places were all the same with just useless garbage, no weapons that you didnt already have, filled with garbage like crutches, scrap metal, and all looked identical. NV has a lot more interesting areas to explore that vary, and have better loot to find. Fallout 3 suffered the same thing as oblivion, Quantity of quality. Also, the map IS just as big, it takes longer to go an inch across the map then it did on the fallout 3 map.

If you say there is nothing there, then your playing a different game, as Fallout 3 was way worse in that regard. Not to mention most of DC was linear and blocked off and connected with the same looking subway with nothing of interest in the,.

hardcoe mode also makes it more important to collect food, water, and crafting makes all that junk more usefull. real survival. In 3 it was just there for looks really.

Fallout 3 was full of filler and samey places compared to NV. As for 30-40 hours? Sounds like your rushing, I got more then that and still have a tonne left to do, Im willing to bet there is a lot you missed. I started a second CHAR (Like having 2 at the same time) and already found things i missed, lots of details in this game.

Fallout 3 had some filler content and alot of copy paste environments, I still liked going through them all though. Even it there wasn't that much to find. In new vegas there is nothing to explore, you cannot deny this. There's a few vaults and caves but that is it. All other locations are faction locations or just filler material like some boarded up houses or collapsed shacks. You can easily 'explore' all of new vegas in 50 hours, it would be impossible to explore everything in fallout 3 in 50 hours. Also please define rushing, people tend to think differently about what it means.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:04 am

I have played more than 60 hours so far and I havn't even gone onto the strip itself yet. I think that how long it takes a player to get through this game very much depends on how you play the game. It is technically possible for someone who knows the main quest inside and out to finish the game in 15 minutes according to Obsidian, but what would the point be in that? Where would the Fun be?

I'm taking my time, exploring everyplace on the map, doing all of the quests and am Not Rushing my experience. As such I suspect I will get 150 or so hours of the my first play-through before I've done everything I can find. I get this much time and enjoyment out of the game because I Don't rush things, I Don't try to find the fastest/easiest way through areas and quests and I Don't have any illusions about how long the game will last. I am making it last as long as I Need it to last for my own gaming enjoyment.

The point I'm making is that how fast someone goes through the game is totally subjective, each person has a certain ability in combat, in questing, in exploring and everyone plays on different difficulty levels and some with different mods. Thus there could be No standard to how long it takes to play this game, only a very broad estimate. If it took someone only 30 hours to play the game, personally I think they went WAY too fast and robbed themselves of a much richer experience that those of us taking our time are enjoying.

Doing a little math to prove my point; there are 65,000 lines of dialogue in Fallout: New Vegas. For someone to have exhausted them all in 30 hours, they would have to listen to over 36 lines of dialogue Per Minute. Clearly this is impossible, and equally as clear is the fact that No One can finish _all_ of Fallout: New Vegas in 30 hours unless they skipped a hell of alot of content. Again, their loss. I plan on hitting them all.

This game is FANTASTIC!

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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:41 am

Fallout 3 had some filler content and alot of copy paste environments, I still liked going through them all though. Even it there wasn't that much to find. In new vegas there is nothing to explore, you cannot deny this. There's a few vaults and caves but that is it. All other locations are faction locations or just filler material like some boarded up houses or collapsed shacks. You can easily 'explore' all of new vegas in 50 hours, it would be impossible to explore everything in fallout 3 in 50 hours. Also please define rushing, people tend to think differently about what it means.

The OP's Complaint reminded me of the outrage over MassEffect 2 being "shorter" than 1. When in 2 you got far more unique content. Gameplay tweaks aside, ME2 had far more unique content ME1 was filled with time wasted on color swatch planets that look exactly the same entering installation number 50 that looks the same as the last 49.

I can see where the OP is coming from with the exploring thing and inaccessible buildings. FO3 had alot of explorable buildings that were just there and had nothing to do with any side quest line or anything to explore.

It appears in New vegas, they sacrificed designing buildings that are simply "there" in favor of more quest content.

Personally i am 20 hours into the game lvl 17. I havent got passed the part in the main quest where you talk to the sniper in the dino yet. ive just been doing side missions, havent even close discovered all the areas.

So I question deeply having every single thing "completed" in 30-40 hours. There is no way I could complete it in 10 hours (currently logged 20). I would have to just hit the main quest hard and beat and then I didnt complete everything. I am going to take a stab and assume I might be done in 50-60 hours.

As far as your 300 hours in FO, I think I have close to that, but for vanilla no way. You like me, probably spent the majority of that time just dikeing around in the game world playing the mods and expansions.

I agree, FO3 had ALOT of explorable places, while it would be great to have that and more quest content, we didnt and honestly I prefer that than exploring endless ruins that are meaningless.

I am not arguing for the game to be "linear" by any means. Free roaming is by far my favorite types of games to play period, which all started for me with the original zelda. So I would love having 90% of every building have fully rendered interesting interiors AND more quests.Id sacrifice the buildings before quest content.
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:09 am

I'm guessing the OP was referring to the time spent in DLC's as well in FO3. Don't forget FO3 in it's current state is finished. F:NV in it's current state is just beginning, we've got a whole year (OR more, maybe less too) of DLC's and patches.

There is vastly more to do in F:NV. I don't understand why these posts keep popping up.
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:40 pm

There is vastly more to do in F:NV. I don't understand why these posts keep popping up.

Trolling or Haters gonna Hate.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:02 am

I'm guessing the OP was referring to the time spent in DLC's as well in FO3

No I really wasn't
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Kat Ives
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:03 am

Perhaps the 'empty' feeling is from being in the desert? Really, the Mojave Desert is way more barren, modern day, than the game would have you suggest. In FO3 the land scape was at least half rubble and blown out buildings but that was also a metropolitan area... However, in terms of enviroment and atmosphere, FNV does a better job capturing the feeling of the original 2 Fallout games, and for an old school gamer like myself, it's much appreciated.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:32 am

I'm thinking of buying PC version, then I'll get mods to make the game more interesting. AND TO GET RID OF THOSE DAMN INVISIBLE WALLS!!! :swear:
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:37 am

Oh, and there's lots of little secrets and easter eggs lying around... Obsidian just wants you to work harder for them. =)
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:09 am

But they failed at making the kind of world that Bethesda made, the kind of world that someone would enjoy spending hundreds of hours exploring. The world they made is standard and mostly boring, and because of this the only thing New Vegas has going for it in terms of replayability is siding with different factions thanks to the improved RPG elements, but that's not nearly as fun as exploring an awesome world.

I completely agree! I get so excited when i started to stumble across my first newly found locations in New Vegas. I was so excited to begin exploring the Mojave wasteland. I walk into a building, and its one or two rooms max. usually some stimpaks and a few caps in a desk. That's it? "abandoned shack." How the hell was this even made a "location?"

I totally agree that people are either blind or in denial about the New Vegas map itself. Fact of the matter is, the buildings/metro tunnels/caves/vaults in Fallout 3 were SO much more intricate and meaningful than the places in New Vegas. It could sometimes take 30-45 minutes just to explore an entire location in Fallout 3. There were so many EPIC fallout 3 locations. like Dunwich bldg, Rivet City, Deathclaw Sanctuary, Fort Independence, Oasis, Nuka Cola factory, Evergreen Mills, Tenpenny Tower, Little Lamplight, Germantown Police Station, National Guard Depot, Paradise Falls, Raven Rock, all the Satcom Arrays. Do you guys remember how EPIC some of those locations were???

To be quite honest, I'm not really "blown away" by a single location in New Vegas so far. Again, to be clear. New Vegas is a great game overall. LOVE IT. But just speaking on the locations and the locations ONLY.

Fallout 3 locations were MUCH more interesting than New Vegas.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:34 am

That's it? "abandoned shack." How the hell was this even made a "location?"

It's a location because it's one of the locations you can treat as your safehouse You did notice the unowned containers and bed, right?
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April D. F
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:43 am

There are *some* unmarked locations methinks, the Deathclaw Promontory to name one area. Plus, Obsidian has lots of random easter eggs and cool things to look for, so just spend some more time and look around. Obsidian did an incredible job putting some subtle items and random odds and ends for you to find.
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:23 am

It's a location because it's one of the locations you can treat as your safehouse You did notice the unowned containers and bed, right?

Fair enough.

Did you bother reading the rest of my post though? I'd really like to hear people's opinions on what I said. Talking STRICTLY about the locations themselves. Not the Mojave itself in general, not the size of the map, not how many locations there are. I'm talking about the size/detail/intricacy of the locations once you go inside them. I think Fallout 3 wins there.

The only ones I could remember off the top of my head were Dunwich bldg, Rivet City, Deathclaw Sanctuary, Fort Independence, Oasis, Nuka Cola factory, Evergreen Mills, Tenpenny Tower, Little Lamplight, Germantown Police Station, National Guard Depot, Paradise Falls, Raven Rock, all the Satcom Arrays. rememebr how EPIC it was when you first ventured inside some of those locations?

Nowhere in New Vegas has really given me that same feeling yet.
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