I'm done, money grabbing *******

Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:38 am

I'm so sick to death of waiting for GAME BREAKING BUGS to be fixed it's untrue, I have completed everything in the game but cannot progress because of damn underground undercover. I'm not posting in the PS2 thread because no-one from bethesda is responding. Nov........ damn nov, I have been waiting for this fix. Yet you find the time to release your DLC in april. How about you fix the hundreds of problems people have been having with this game.

As a consumer if I purchase something and it doesn't work I can return it. Sadly with games we can't but you have your money and I'm left with a terrible product.

I'm done, I personally won't be getting your DLC content and won't be purchasing any more bethesda products. Ridiculous. what sad is other will still purchase the content, so you'll never learn, you'll just keep launching sub par products. We had these same issues with Fallout 3/New Vegas.

NOTE: no save game fixes the issue. or 2nd / 3rd play through.

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:16 pm

Well I would hope they wouldn't be responding in the PS2 thread. Who even owns a PS2 still? I mean, I do, but it has been sitting in the back of my closet gathering dust for the past how many years? At least 10. Anyway stick to your guns. I've personally had no game breaking issues with the game but if you truly feel that a company is not worth your money then you should freeze them out. Stop playing their games, stop buying their products and most importantly stop making these useless I'm done threads. All you are doing is whining for attention. No one else cares if you are done. It doesn't affect them in the least if you don't want to play Bethesda games. All you are doing is annoying people who come here to actually try and get problems fixed and instead see half a dozen I'm done threads. So please, go. Just go. Don't come back if you truly feel this way. If you DON'T actually want to abandon Bethesda games and are instead just being whiny in the hopes that someone somewhere will be annoyed enough to take a second look at your problem just don't. Just post your problem, ask for help, and maybe occasionally bump your thread if no answer are forthcoming in a reasonable amount of time. (Give it at least enough time for your thread to make it to the second page). Be patient and maybe an answer will come from someone who has already fixed it or found a workaround. Don't expect Bethesda to personally respond to your single thread out of the hundreds here.

What exactly is your issue with the underground undercover quest?

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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:20 am

I kind of get your point do a degree, I'm not after any attention, I'm after an uprising. You've suggesting posting my problem, which I have done in the xbox thread, which others also posted and was then moved to ps4 (I mean't) to consolidate. some issues where responded to and told updated would be fixed, upon the next release, alas upon the updated fix the underground undercover bug (cannot speak with desdemona) still persisted. More upset people responded trying to find answers to only be told (supply us with a save game)... a month passes and another fix is due, yet no fix for underground undercover, it's ridiculous, you cannot progress the game at all.

If you look through all the threads at the endless stream of bugs people are getting, day after day checking the forum for possible updates as my post said it's been there since NOV, it seems there is just no accountability. I guess your point that no-one cares is the sad truth and that's my real reason for posting to try get people to shout for some form of resolution, to find some accountability.

I think my post should have been more focused on the point rather than bottle + pram throwing, but I've been driven to unthoughtful, rash posting it really has take its toll (real world problems).

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