I'm done with Bethesda

Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:22 am

Bethesda has lost themselves a customer. I'm done buying their games. The immensely broken gameplay of the DLC is just mind boggling. It is simply not done, and to have released the DLCs at such an unfinished stage is incredibly unprofessional, to the point where its just criminal. Bethesda even spent extra time working on the DLCs for the PS3, and this is the crap they were release? The add-ons are single handedly the single worst pieces of hardware I have ever had the misfortune of purchasing and using. The bugs on them are horrendous! I must have resent my PS3 30+ times by now from freezes, and I fear playing them any more will cause my PS3 to break. The framerate is also utterly horrendous everytime I venture into a new area. Bethesda is now synonymous with being unprofessional. Ever since the first Oblivion, all of their games have had some serious bugs, and they do nothing to fix it. This is ridiculous. I spent $50 for add-ons I cant even play? If you cant make a game function properly for a console, then don't release it! I loved playing the vanilla version of Fallout 3 and logged in 180+ hours on it with little complaint. Now I play the DLCs for three hours, and I am about ready to start a riot in front of Bethesda headquarters. Not to mention that the DLCs have been out for a month and Bethesda hasn't so much as acknowledged the complaints of PS3 users. They turn their cheek to the fact that their game is broken. And why don't they care, because their swimming in the money stolen from us for selling faulty software. Their game has already won tons of awards and sold millions of copies so why should they give a ****. Well, enjoy your success Bethesda because it won't last long with the way your treating your customers.
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:10 am

Sorry for the way you feel, but I'm willing to bet you are not done with Bethesda.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:14 am

Sorry to hear you have issues, but this section isn't really for ranting or venting, but to discuss the PS3 game issues in a civilized manner.
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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