done with random dragons.

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:47 am

I haven't seen an excessive amount of them. I don't tend to use fast travel a great deal. People are saying they're linked to fast travel, so when it loads in the new area, there's a dragon there?

I've had a good mix of seeing one coming and being surprised. I'm level 18, 40 hours in. Haven't got far in the main quest only seen the Greybeards once. I still find them fun, but their yeildings are [censored] heavy, it's kind of annoying. I have kept them though because I figure I need them to make armour or something - haven't done that yet, don't spoil it for me!
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:59 am

haha i spoke to soon just took on a bandit camp thougjt id do in in werewolf mode when a blood dragon appeard and ruined me lol...
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:43 am

Jesus...whine whine whine!!! God I'm so sick of seeing all the QQ-ing. Ridiculous. I sure hope Bethesda doesn't listen and nerfs dragon spawns. I think they are awesome.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:53 am

I like the random dragon fights. They are well done.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:06 am

Now I've just fought 5 random dragons in 2 hours of gameplay.

By all means, I do like the occasional dragon fights while out exploring, but it's not fun when 3 out of 4 times I fast travel it's the same old routine; "flap-flap - roooooaaaarrr - look for cover and run".

Now I've restarted a new charachter to get a break from it all.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:41 am

It's completely random with me, sometimes I could go hours without seeing one and other times I have two encounters within a short time frame. Fast Travel also increases the rate that they appear so if you don't want Dragons in Riverwood don't directly fast travel here, use Embershard mine and then walk the distance.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:18 pm

I just joined the forums after lurking on them for the past year (i've never felt the need to post until now). The only reason I'm posting is because this is the only thread I've found where SOME people are mentioning low dragon spawns. I am in this camp and it's really really frustrating me. Level 25, used to see random dragons all the time, then around level 12-14 *poof* no more random dragons. Yes the scripted ones are still there, but absolutely no random dragons. I've even been to 3 word walls since this time and not a single one had a dragon nearby! Why do I have to get stuck with the only glitch no one else has? Or is it not a glitch? Is it intentional that a level 3-13 character would get them but not levels 15-25ish? I've tried fast-traveling like crazy, I've tried roaming around like crazy, I've tried going to the places other people say they've seen random dragons aplenty, all. Does anyone have ANY advice? Also, does anyone think the "rare issue where some dragons don't attack" fix in 1.2 will help me? Or do you think it's unrelated?
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:07 am

I dont fast travel and barely see any dragons except for scripted ones. While I was traveling from riverwood to skyhaven temple through markarth I met four on the way but otherwise barely any random spawns.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:24 am

I've had dragons drop on top of me with the fury of the damn gods so many times. And I love it!!
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:50 am

Alduin:Let's take over the world! Just go easy though, we don't want to overwhelm people! Play fair!
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:43 am

I agree, the random spawns are pretty lame after awhile, you can almost predict when you will see one. Let's see, if I fast travel 3 times from here to here, BAM a dragon! lol Okay, so one time I was totally surprised by one; which was actually funny as hell. I was at the college in Winterhold, I walked outside and no one was around. I stepped out into the open area where the statue was to see why it was so quiet, then BOOM this dragon just plops down from nowhere, right in my face. Ha ha I literally jumped out of my seat. I see funny things like this happen all the time though, bad scripting. Like who else is tired of the random thief that runs up to you to hold onto his stolen item for him, with the hunter chasing him 10 feet away, even if you pretend to hide the item for the guy, the hunter see's the guy and kills him every time. This whole scenario makes no sense what so ever, is it suppose to be comic relief?
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 am

I just joined the forums after lurking on them for the past year (i've never felt the need to post until now). The only reason I'm posting is because this is the only thread I've found where SOME people are mentioning low dragon spawns. I am in this camp and it's really really frustrating me. Level 25, used to see random dragons all the time, then around level 12-14 *poof* no more random dragons. Yes the scripted ones are still there, but absolutely no random dragons. I've even been to 3 word walls since this time and not a single one had a dragon nearby! Why do I have to get stuck with the only glitch no one else has? Or is it not a glitch? Is it intentional that a level 3-13 character would get them but not levels 15-25ish? I've tried fast-traveling like crazy, I've tried roaming around like crazy, I've tried going to the places other people say they've seen random dragons aplenty, all. Does anyone have ANY advice? Also, does anyone think the "rare issue where some dragons don't attack" fix in 1.2 will help me? Or do you think it's unrelated?

Seriously? Even when I'm just trotting down the road I've had instances where two have spawned on top of me at once. I usually have a nice stock pile of dragon souls on me at a time. Maybe the dragons just hate me because I don't go looking for them, attention [censored]s. lol I've been avoiding the main story line, it's just too lame for me to follow through with it. If I had the option I would help Alduin end the world.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:44 am

I don't think its linked to Fast Traveling, on the way walking from Riverwood to the Reach, which isn't that far, maybe a 20 minute walk, I ran into 4 dragons. 3 of them were literally one after the other. I killed a dragon, before seeing another circling, it then noticed me and attacked, and then I saw Alduin raising up another dragon, who then attacked me.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:21 pm

I've played over 100 hours and have never fast traveled. I've fought 12 dragons.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:05 am

I agree, the random spawns are pretty lame after awhile, you can almost predict when you will see one. Let's see, if I fast travel 3 times from here to here, BAM a dragon! lol Okay, so one time I was totally surprised by one; which was actually funny as hell. I was at the college in Winterhold, I walked outside and no one was around. I stepped out into the open area where the statue was to see why it was so quiet, then BOOM this dragon just plops down from nowhere, right in my face. Ha ha I literally jumped out of my seat. I see funny things like this happen all the time though, bad scripting. Like who else is tired of the random thief that runs up to you to hold onto his stolen item for him, with the hunter chasing him 10 feet away, even if you pretend to hide the item for the guy, the hunter see's the guy and kills him every time. This whole scenario makes no sense what so ever, is it suppose to be comic relief?

Really? That guy is a thief? He just randomly came up to me, gave me his armor, told me he would kill me if I did anything with it, then ran off. I followed him for a while, but he was just wandering around in stealth. So I just left. Haven't seen him since.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:50 am

do dragons ever show up in city cells? or have I not gone far enough into the MQ?

(They've shown up in open places like winterhold that don't have their own seperate cell, but they've never shown up for me in places like whiterun or solitude.)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:20 pm

I just crossed 40 hours; i'm level 18; i've fought 2 dragons in lairs, the named one at the western watchtower, and 3 random of whom was actually attacking a bandit camp i was staking out and then fought a nearby giant (who attacked me after I killed the dragon from afar.) I guess it must be a fast travel thing because i don't, except for a couple of wagon rides. I'm not sick of them at all; my last one the dragon actually crashed and slid past me on the ground. No complaints here yet.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:03 am

I'm up to 35 of them now and I'm only level 34 and have been playing 89 hours, it used to be a problem with them popping up everytime I went into a town. Finally one killed half of morthal and I had to reload a save, it's because of how often I was fast traveling so now I walk most places or ride a horse or take a carrige, if I want to fast travel i go to a ruin or something outside of a town so if a dragon shows up I don't have the threat of the townsfolk being killed and then I just have a 2 minute walk to town or so. It's annoying but that's life.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:04 am

Seriously? Even when I'm just trotting down the road I've had instances where two have spawned on top of me at once. I usually have a nice stock pile of dragon souls on me at a time. Maybe the dragons just hate me because I don't go looking for them, attention [censored]s. lol I've been avoiding the main story line, it's just too lame for me to follow through with it. If I had the option I would help Alduin end the world.

If I had the option to trade places with you I would. I do not think you would however. Imagine never seeing one of the main things that makes this game what it is. I too am having trouble following the main quest, but for me it's because I DON'T SEE ANY OF THESE DAMN DRAGONS EVERYONE'S SO WORRIED ABOUT! Who cares about being DragonBorn when there's no Dragons to fight?
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Doniesha World
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:36 am

I just joined the forums after lurking on them for the past year (i've never felt the need to post until now). The only reason I'm posting is because this is the only thread I've found where SOME people are mentioning low dragon spawns. I am in this camp and it's really really frustrating me. Level 25, used to see random dragons all the time, then around level 12-14 *poof* no more random dragons. Yes the scripted ones are still there, but absolutely no random dragons. I've even been to 3 word walls since this time and not a single one had a dragon nearby! Why do I have to get stuck with the only glitch no one else has? Or is it not a glitch? Is it intentional that a level 3-13 character would get them but not levels 15-25ish? I've tried fast-traveling like crazy, I've tried roaming around like crazy, I've tried going to the places other people say they've seen random dragons aplenty, all. Does anyone have ANY advice? Also, does anyone think the "rare issue where some dragons don't attack" fix in 1.2 will help me? Or do you think it's unrelated?

Hey welcome to the forums, have a As for your glitch it's most likely going to be addressed in the patch. The game is still kinda buggy unfortunately :sadvaultboy:
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:12 am

Hey welcome to the forums, have a As for your glitch it's most likely going to be addressed in the patch. The game is still kinda buggy unfortunately :sadvaultboy:

What a delicious stick!

Thanks man, I'm hoping the patch will help.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:59 am

What a delicious stick!

Thanks man, I'm hoping the patch will help.

Lol no problem. I'm hoping it helps too I keep having issues absorbing dragons souls, I've lost count of how many dead dragons I've had to walk away from.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:16 am

do dragons ever show up in city cells? or have I not gone far enough into the MQ?

(They've shown up in open places like winterhold that don't have their own seperate cell, but they've never shown up for me in places like whiterun or solitude.)

Once a dragon attacked when I was about to enter riften, I was just checking some things, so I entered the city and the dragon was attacking inside.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:19 am

I'm sure it's linked to fast traveling. I fast travel anywhere and BOOM a dragon is in my face half the time. Walk somewhere and it's fine.
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