I dont know where to go from here!!!!

Post » Wed May 23, 2012 7:40 am

This game is pissing me off soooooooooooo bad already. Im having an issue with Dx11 it seems. When i have it running the game runs super slow. The booting up of the game is laggy, the menus are laggy and the list goes on. However, with Dx11 turned off the game runs fine.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Redownloaded and intalled, overclocked/underclocked my Gpu. Raised and lower the voltage on it also and nothing. Oh and the game managed to erase all my game saves *rams head into desk multiple times*

Ps, BF3 runs flawless.

setup: GTX 570 SC(GPU)
i5 2500k(CPU)
16gb of vengence ram at 1600hz(RAM)
asus p8z68 L-VX (Motherboard)
750w (PSU)
NZXT phantom (case)
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Alexx Peace
Posts: 3432
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:55 pm

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