i am fcuken pissed off from people with rank below10 who join standart team action.they mosly svcks because they dont know the gameplay and the maps.so after you get over rank 10 you cant join recruits so they just should not join standart team action until they reach level 11.point is that tey ruin the game most of the time they got 15 deads and 2-3 kills!join standart after you get some experience!!!
1. theres not many recruit server online or they either full or empty 2. recruit server is no fun and it doesnt represent the whole game, people paid money to play multiplayer they should be able to enjoy the games potential 3. its not likely you get 7 lv10 and below in your team 4. if your whining about losing games, maybe your tactics and skills have serious issue
my k/d is 1,54 so i dont svck!!!i know how to play is just not good when i have 18 kills and other five low ranks get from 2-5 kills and 15 or 18 deads!!!you would not be pissed off???if we past rank 10 and cant join recruits they should not join standart until they reach rank 11!!!its my opinion so dont flame and hate!
Think about when someone buys the game in the future, maybe 5 or 6 years later. Almost every player aren't probably 1-10 lvl during that time, so it either takes almost foever to get into a match with other 1-10 lvl players or the customer can't play multiplayer at all, because there aren't enough low ranked players to play with, before he/she can play with 11-50 lvl players.