Check Crafting Skill example;
I'm not a respec supporter. It makes me feel.... dirty.
Besides, in an MMO gameworld, it seems rather cheap and exploitable.
During the beta, respec shrines were eagerly sought out, myself included. In that scenario it would be a tool for testing more efficiently. However, they only become available at level 17. Too far out of my character's range. I ended up starting anew, anyway.
To give some idea of this from a recent reddit;
Yeah I've seen that but I don't remember you being able to put points in game.
Maybe it's a mistake? like I said I had the passive that allows use of iron ingots and detect nearby iron but I never put points in it. ;\
You didn't have to put the first point in. You had to put points in to increase the skills though
No mack it extreamy expenciv and ad a hard questline.
Check out this from the Skill Calculator which shows what skill points would be used to max Blacksmithing from the base passive skill;
Esohead -
The SC suggests 24 Skill Points Used. Bascially boosting the basic passive skills. Of course some would not have much worth such as the Keen Eye is not really needed once you are used to finding the nodes and have a route.
You don't need to put points into every level of the crafting tree, but in order to craft higher-level recipes, you at least need to put points into the first passive ability (which allows you to craft things beyond level 1). So, for example, if you never put any points in Blacksmithing, you would only ever be able to craft iron gear.
And this is why cheap respeccing is bad. Allowing people to respec whenever they please will make crafting skill points worthless. Everyone will be able to pump the points in and out whenever they feel like they need to do some more crafting, defeating the entire purpose of having players make choices.
An MMO I once played, Knight Online. In that game you were allowed to respec your stats and stuff. The higher in level you got, the more expensive...dramatically more expensive. This kept people from flip-floppin' too much. Lower levels were cheap. You'd make a character, play a bit...something isn't working, not your play style or your friends need something dedicated to something else. It was cheap and allowed you to make the character you wanted or needed early on. I'm for cheap respecs at low level to fix any noob-mistakes or whatever, but at higher levels I feel the concern and can see it as a problem.
I like having the ability to respec, however, I think it should be expensive so people aren't exploiting it. I think changing spec's should be significant and not like changing a pair of socks.
but in this game we def dont need it, just go hunt more skill points.
is it attributes and skill points we can respec does anyone know?
imo the costs to respec needs to be severe. hell i wish they didnt allow respec. i miss the days when choices really meant something
Different skill lines level up differently. Class skills use XP (only when slotted, so for those you do need the first skill in the line), weapon requires you to wield the weapon, armor requires you to wear the armor type (and levels proportional to number of pieces), crafting requires you to craft, guild skills use guild rep.
So yeah. The number of skill points you can waste on prereqs is, like, 3... one for each of your class lines.
I'm also for expensive, limited respec.
Skyshards alone give you access to 30-40 skill points, then there is another 49 from levels and a couple here and there from quests. so all up around 80-90 points.
Skills take 2 points and passives take up to 3.
There really isnt a need to have a respec. And if there is it should be like the PoE system where it is mildly expesive and only gives 1 or 2 points back.
Even then, the most you have to "waste" is 3. Ever. but then you get people who just make bad decisions and and i feel they should have a chance to fix...
Even if it was like the Torchlight II system where you can try out the skill for a level or so and roll it back if you dont like it. but after 2-3 more invested points the roll back becomes locked
With regards to attributes yes their would be. Sky shards only give access to skill points, attributes are limited from what i know. Could be wrong i only just got past ten last beta.
Yeah, in an MMO I played, Dofus, it was somewhat the same scenario. The price to respec did get higher monetarily, and also required certain loot from specific dungeons. The drops were guaranteed if you completed the dungeon, but they rose in difficulty drastically.
Respec < level 60, complete an easy dungeon +small fee
Respec 61 - 100, complete the easy and a medium dungeon + mediocre fee
Respec 160-200 (max level), complete easy, medium, hard, harder, hardest dungeon in game which required major help from a full team (of players over 160) and a few hours to complete + large fee
If you messed up a build early while you were learning the game, it wasn't a big problem and could be fixed easily. Once you started getting towards the higher levels you had to stick to your leveling plan. I hope the general idea of higher level, harder to respec and/or more costly is applied in ESO.
respec should cost but i don't see why it should cost a lot, this is an MMO not a single player rpg and people who play mmos like to experiment and theory craft in game. Limiting these options would hack of a lot of people and we shouldn't be made to do PVE to respec either are you crazy? some of us don't like PVE that much. It should cost an set fee and that is it. People who haven't played these sorts of games will need to learn to and pick the wrong abilities and wrong attributes at times and don't need punishing for it. These kind of things is what drives them away from the game. Its an MMO for a reason they have to try and appeal to a big spectrum of the player base and try to not alienate so many with daft suggestions like some are making here. Endgame especially respec is crucial Imagine switching from PVE to PVP on a daily basis and needing to rearrange how your attributes are distributed so you can be competitive in game?.
+1 crafting requiring a different type of talent points would have been a better design decision in hindsight like some other games. Because the main argument for having high respec costs is so that people dont retalent for crafting. Personally i think MMOs should evolve away from respec costs unless they introduce the option to switch between 3-4 different builds on the fly outside of combat.
Actually, from what I've read, the original version of crafting DID use a different type of leveling system, and respecs were still expensive.
They changed crafting so it used regular skill points sometime last fall.
The view that removing respec costs constitutes an "evolution" is debatable at best You see the argument in relation to every RPG that gets released -- single player, small group coop or MMO -- and there are just two very different views on this, among devs as well as among players. And neither side is ever able to convince the other.
But isn't that point also a bit moot given all the passives could be completely filled anyway given access to 80-90 skill points in total?. Besides wouldnt they still have to level it regardless? Say i mastered blacksmithing and wanted to change to another i would still have to grind it to master the craft. Really its the same in some other Mmos in that way SWTOR, if you change your crew skill you have to level up a new one.
oh well nothing can be done about that now.