I can only speak for myself and my own exploring/hoarding habits, but I have 775 lbs of alchemy ingredients packed into that little satchel on Breezehome's alchemy table. 1592 lbs worth of crap in my "misc" barrel that holds stuff related to smithing or enchanting: ingots, ore, gems, leather, pelts, soul gems, et al.
Buying a house was an immediate priority for me. I know my TES playing habits well enough already: I hoard.
Opening up major cities hasn't been a huge priority for me; I'm lvl 28 and just recently even made it anywhere near Solitude and Windhelm. I made it to Morthal, but that's basically a glorified village.
Ok everyone says storage but.as soon as you join a guild you get a room/bed along with a chest of your own. I've stored my stuff for example in my room the the college and they are still there.
Haven't tried it with the companions and you don't get a specific room in DB or the thieves guild so not sure about them.
Not feasible for me, at least not in this game, since chest contents aren't sorted by type (it's just alphabetical). I need a separate storage vessel for each type of hoardable crap.