Ran the esp with no other mods and still no door, cs doesn't seem to have a linkable dwemer door for the exterior in mine, cave doors and most others work. A sometimes common denominator is that the door is set as blocked, but not always as with the dwemer doors, daedric door, and the telvani mushroom doors. All show up when not linked. The mod is set to open in the uvirith cell. I've tried the entrance in various nearby molag mar cells and the problem still persists. I don't know if I can run the steam patch as this is a game from disc with crack because disc is cracked as well,

got stepped on, and I don't have a steam acount anyway.
One other thing happens as well. When I start cs and load just esp without checking morrowind, tribunal, bloodmoon, and patch it crashes on "Cell 10, 4" and this is the only visable item in load bar at time generally around 74%load.
Thank you for the response it was a good idea to try without other mods running, and I tried it with a fresh toon, went console COC "myinterior" and exited to check door, exiting always seems to work perfect, still no door to be seen but there in cs.
been playing since morrowinds release but only started on the cs in last week. Oh yeah, running windows 7 on dual core toshiba satellite bout 3 yrs old.