doorknobs changing color or hue when first used

Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:38 pm

I've already posted my opinion, but I just want to add that this is an example of an attitude plaguing modern gaming (and maybe modern culture in general). The attitude that we shouldn't have to think, perish the thought! We want to be treated like semi-[censored] children, it seems.

edit: The censor is indicative of this as well. We have to stay safe in our comfortable, constricted little bubbles. Can't be offensive, can't make us think, don't make us move outside our white-fence worlds.
But I'll accord with it. Read "semi-[NUMINIT]" up there as "stupid".
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:32 am

Sounds like a bad idea... thinking about wether you already visited a place adds to the realism...
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:41 am

Hell no. If I remember it, I remember it. If not, I don't. A complex character memory system for all sorts of things, in combination with the journal, would be required for this to make any sense. But as long as the players memory is equivalent to the PC's memory in just about all other situations, there's no need for a silly feature like that.

Games are becoming way too easy for the sake of being easy nowadays. This really is not broken, and really does not require a fix. I've never been annoyed in any previous game by the question whether or not I had entered a certain door before. Even if I forgot, I'd just check, if it was important, or walk past it, if it was not.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:29 am

No, I'm sorry but this is a pointless question. As everyone here has stated. You see it on the world map, if you leave in the middle of the dungeon you will see that on your local map. Maybe something like Map Marker Overhaul because I love that mod. It has a marker for "not finished" or something similar...Jeeeesssssuuuuuussss....lazy lazy people. You probably want an auto play like in New Super Mario Bros....
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:39 am

I don't think this is that important a feature. As was mentioned, if the name of the cave or whatever the door leads to shows in a different color I guess I wouldn't be too bothered. I mean, if you are worried about immersion how does "Ice Block Cave" showing up on your screen in yellow, green, blue, red or whatever change immersion. You still have a cave name that you really probably shouldn't know unless you are intimately familiar with that area or have been told by someone show up on your screen.

As for those saying, "it shows on your map" well, it does show if you discovered the place, it does not tell you if you've been inside. I know while exploring in OB if I saw on my compass a nearby cave or ruin I might just walk close enough to it so it was "discovered" so I could travel back to it at a later date (via fast travel or walking).

In the end, I say "no" to this poll as I don't really think it's that important.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:36 am

I only play video games for the door knob realism... so no.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:04 pm

Sounds like something Fable could have. But no, never ever TES, please no!
So I choose the biased choice: "no, i always remember everything, even after months"
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:25 am

Im amazed at how much people despise this idea....the OP wasnt a great one but Im all for a system of knowing where I have been. DONT say 'pull up the map'. The whole idea of things like this is to avoid having to pull up maps when you dont have to. It is a simple on screen reminder, not a gamebreaking addition that would take away ANYTHING from the game. Its just a friendly reminder.

AGAIN, its like the empty containers in Fallout. Did a container reading 'empty' ruin ANYTHING for me? Absolutely not. Did I need this feature? Absolutely not. But I guess some people are just much more picky than others. If they dont ABSOLUTELY WANT or come up with an idea themselves, they like to [censored] all over everyone elses and complain that it ruins the game, when in reality it doesnt RUIN anything. Its just a helpful reminder people. This could be anything from a different color, to a 'note' like Fallout's containers, to a small symbol that shows whether or not you've used a particular door before.

Get over yourselves. If you dont like it give a reason. Any idiot can say a idea is a bad one. Put some reason behind your thoughts and maybe you wont sound like just another troll looking for a disagreement.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:24 am

Im amazed at how much people despise this idea....the OP wasnt a great one but Im all for a system of knowing where I have been. DONT say 'pull up the map'. The whole idea of things like this is to avoid having to pull up maps when you dont have to. It is a simple on screen reminder, not a gamebreaking addition that would take away ANYTHING from the game. Its just a friendly reminder.

AGAIN, its like the empty containers in Fallout. Did a container reading 'empty' ruin ANYTHING for me? Absolutely not. Did I need this feature? Absolutely not. But I guess some people are just much more picky than others. If they dont ABSOLUTELY WANT or come up with an idea themselves, they like to [censored] all over everyone elses and complain that it ruins the game, when in reality it doesnt RUIN anything. Its just a helpful reminder people. This could be anything from a different color, to a 'note' like Fallout's containers, to a small symbol that shows whether or not you've used a particular door before.

Get over yourselves. If you dont like it give a reason. Any idiot can say a idea is a bad one. Put some reason behind your thoughts and maybe you wont sound like just another troll looking for a disagreement.

are you sure your not the troll around here??
1. I hope Over encumbered just slows you down and when you reach a real limit like 50 pounds over you can't attack or pick up more items but you will never be "stuck" at a point
2. If you were at a cave fast travel back there (only real time i actually do) and explore the rest.
3. Dungeons DO become active again after a period of time so if this was implemented and you visited Dragoncave about a 2 weeks (in-game) and saw it you would think, "Hey i been in here so its empty" and move along.. when there really is active again and things to loot inside again.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:45 pm

are you sure your not the troll around here??
1. I hope Over encumbered just slows you down and when you reach a real limit like 50 pounds over you can't attack or pick up more items but you will never be "stuck" at a point
2. If you were at a cave fast travel back there (only real time i actually do) and explore the rest.
3. Dungeons DO become active again after a period of time so if this was implemented and you visited Dragoncave about a 2 weeks (in-game) and saw it you would think, "Hey i been in here so its empty" and move along.. when there really is active again and things to loot inside again.


Wait. That response was a joke right?

I dont think you touched on any of the things I said in there. WTF is number 1 about anyway?

Number two....I dont know if that is a statement or a question or what it has to do with what I said.....but....thanks?

And lovely number 3. Should I start by saying that you are wrong? Repopulating of dungeons isnt near what you describe it to be. And that is hardly the point. The point is that you have ALREADY been there, not whether or not the stuff inside has respawned.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:11 pm

Sounds like something Fable could have. But no, never ever TES, please no!
So I choose the biased choice: "no, i always remember everything, even after months"

Once again hlvr proves to be one of the more intelligent individuals on this forum.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:45 am

Oh God, that sounds terrible, no offense. if this feature got added into any videogame, I'd jsut want the option to turn it OFF. :yuck:

In Oblivion if you hadn't been in an area yet, that portion of the map would not appear as a passageway or room or whatever. It would just be blank. Isn't this enough of an aid?

I voted "no" even though I don't always remember where I've been. That's kind of the point. I kinda like the fact that I can get lost in TES games. :shrug:
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Anna Watts
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:13 am

Color is a bad indicator since some people cannot see hues of color well. I rather have a sound and an on-screen queue that is more realistic too. For instance when you open a cave, dungon, or runin door it squeeks or moans in a certain way if it is the first time it opens. Maybe a puff of dust to denote the area had been sealed for a long time and has never been opened. Much cooler then a color chnage and more helpful for the color blind.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:37 am

Door knobs werent inventd until the 1880s so no doorknobs in skyrim to change colour
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:01 am

I wouldn't like to see the feature. I like to get lost, not to mention I'm sick of the hand-holding that was in Oblivion.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:09 am

No. Getting lost is a good thing.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:45 am

I must say no door I've ever touched in real life has changed color....I'm gonna say no.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:33 am

No, of course I don't remember everything even after months, but I still think this is a terrible feature.

PLEASE DON'T MAKE BIAS POLLS! Just have your answers say yes, or no.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:35 pm

I wouldn't like to see the feature. I like to get lost, not to mention I'm sick of the hand-holding that was in Oblivion.

Yes, that's it exactly. We need lesss hand holding. Or at least the option to disable what hand holding does wind up in the game.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:17 am

How do people not remember where they have been? Sure all of the dungeons in Oblivion looked the same, but its not hard to keep track of a dungeon as you are going through it, especially considering they're mostly linear anyway, and remember if you've been in a dungeon before...

The entrance to every dungeon looks somewhat different, I think that enough would be enough to remember, if the name isn't...
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:21 am

I vote no. I don't like the HUD doing all of the thinking for me. I want to have to think a little about where I'm going and what I'm doing. If I have to leave a place without fully exploring it, I make sure that returning is the next thing I do. This is an exaggeration, but I don't want the game to play itself for me. Also, as others have said, the map does this for us, already.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:52 am

No, and your poll is biased.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:13 pm

The idea is for something to show on screen so that you dont have to pull up the local map.

I dont care how they do it with the containers. Just do it.

OOO did this best, combined with Qarl's Harvest. Almost every container got some kind of animation or change after it was opened through OOO and QH actually removes the tops of the plants. Both of which are helpful and I don't mind that in game because it is realistic. But why the hell would doorknobs change colors?
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:29 am

I don't like the idea because if u enter a dungeon the challenge, aswell as the quest challenges, killing and looting, is remembering how to get out. Adds to the realism.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:41 am

I don't get it. Why would you want this? Even if you go through a door and find you've already been there...just go back out through the door. I don't see what the problem is. It's an open world game where you'll be returning to past locations several times and familiar locations will have new things sometimes and...yeah, what's the point of this? I seriously just don't get it at all. I feel like I'm missing something.

I have to agree, each time you go back, there is usually better stuff to find. :unsure:
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