Orcs are "liked" by the people from Hammerfell, not so sure 'bout the Nords though! :whistling:
Actually, I don't think anyone likes Orcs besides Orcs and Nords! The reason I say they are somewhat well liked by Nords is because, out of all the mercenaries they could have chosen to march with them in war they chose Orsimer! That's pretty profound if you ask me. To strengthen that bond, Orcish settlements nearly share a border with Skyrim. Of course, I'm sure there were other mercenaries but I think Orc mercenaries were the most in bulk.
I don't know, I'm sure some Redguards may like Orcs too... but I think they would sooner war with them than be friends. The Bretons most likely see them as little more than goblins or green filth.