I haven't played Skyrim for a while but I got back into it recently. I was bothered by the end of DLC because dragonborn (and the Civil War) seemed to end on a cliffhanger. So many questions were left unanswered
What about the moot?
What about the Thalmor?
What about hermaeous mora?
Why have a partially rendered Cyrodiil if its not going to be used?
Then I thought of something, maybe the lack of conflict is because of your Dovahkiin's presence. The Thalmor (and the Empire if you took the Stormcloak path) aren't going to risk tangling with a well connected (harbinger of the companions, Arch-Mage the college, Leader thieves guild, Listener or Destroyer of the Dark Brotherhood etc.) legendary entity who's reputation possibly extends beyond Skyrim proper. If you support the Empire, then Cyrodiil will probably not have to worry about Thalmor making a move on any of the imperial territories in fear that "the Legate" will be stationed there. The lack of action in the post game could be that the enemies are focusing on practicality. They aren't planning on making a move until your Dovahkiin is dead/permanently incapacitated/ascends to a higher plain a la Talos or the Dwemer.
What do you think?