First and for most who is the threat, of course I think is the inhabitants of
Akavir given that the logo of the game Is the Akaviri banner, more specifically the
Ka Po' Tun which are cat-like beings led by
Tosh Raka the first to ever be able to turn into a dragon "...He is the largest dragon on Nirn and is covered in Orange and Black Scales".
Acording to Mystirious Akavir, a book found in Morrowind and Oblivion
Tosh Raka plans on killing all the
Tsaesci, their most powerful enemy in their continent and then invade Tamriel.
Tsaesci were the first of the Akavir to invade Tamriel in the First Age, which lead us to the one they fear the most, "Dovahkiin" translated Dragon Born, trough logic I'm going to assume that the person they fear is the one that defeated Them in their invasion of Tamriel
Reman Cyrodiil.
Acording to the
Remanada a book found in Oblivion (I think that BGS was setting up the foundation to TES V in here)
Reman was the son of the
King Hlor and
Saint Alessia whom in the book she said to be "...the healer of all men and the mother of dragons" making this fella' here the original
Dragon Born, he was the one to return the
Amulet of Kings to men and the creator of the
Dragonfires ritual for the coronation of Kings.
The final battle of Akavir against Reman was in Pale Pass that is in the frontier of
Cyrodiil and Skyrim, when he defeated the
Tsaesci, he forgave the Akaviri survivors in exchange of forces to fight the Elves.
The Tsaesci have vampire blood so they live more than mere humans, which made them a powerful asset in combat for Reman, he form a special unit of this soldier to serve the bearer of the Amulet of Kings, the Tsaesci then become the first Blades, which brings us to our next topic;
The Armour: I have read in several post that the armour depicted in the mural is imperial but no, is a Blade's armour, making it a Tsaesci Armour and given that acording to the Mysterious Akavir the Tsaesci tamed the Red Dragons; the armour,shield and sword most be "Dragonproof", maybe an ancient one or even the one of Reman, so this is making me believe that:
"In TES V Tamriel is going to be attacked by the forces of the Ka Po' Tun led by Tosh Raka, the Tsaesci are being enslaved by them and will play a major role in the story, that Chevalier Renald the right hand of Reman, an inmortal from the Tsaesci people, and the one who help in the rise of the first Tiber Septim to power that is believed to be in the "..Northern West..." to make and important appearence.
The main quest I Believe is that in order to save Tamriel you need to find this ancient armour that can only be wear by the true Savior or Champion of Tamriel to defeat the Dragons and Tosh Raka" So Maybe You are a reincarnation of Reman or aiding the one that is, or, maybe the title is just given to the only warrior that can wear the ancient armour...
In anyway we are going to play and Elder Scroll who has dragons in it, I think that's all I really need
That is all that I have in regards of the Dragonborn there is a lot of information of this in the Imperial Library, and let's not talk about the old mage that is transforming into a dragon and svcking the life the guy to the right in the $%&%& center of the mural :wink_smile: