» Fri May 27, 2011 5:25 pm
A Dovahkiin is essentialy the person whome, through ritual, embodies the Covenant between mortals and the Aedra. The last Covenant was suspended when Martin broke the Chim-el Adabal to defeat Mehrunes Dagon.
This could work as the PC or an NPC.
Its posible that if the new Covenant is formed like the first, the person who does it will die in the process. Alessia was on her deathbed when the first Convenant was formed and it may have required the consumption of her soul for the ritual.
If thats the case, then they could do a "Martin' on us, a sacrificial lamb so that we can live and use the new blood pact with Akatosh and the Aedra to defeat the dragons.
Or if the Covenant does not require a soul, it could be the PC working for Akatosh to form a new pact between the Aedra.
The least likely option presented thus far from a lore sense would be reincarnation. Dovahkiin's are not people with a reincarnate soul, they are simply the mortal conection to the Aedra.