Dovahkiin Zealots

Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:36 pm

Since Alduin/Akatosh is laying waste to Skyrim I think this would bring down the Pantheon of the Nine. I think there would be zealots who would be fanatical about the Dovahkiin being a living god. Daresay the destruction of a building in Skyrim would be that of the Temple of Akatosh and in its place would be built a new temple in honor of its patron deity the Dovahkiin.

I think there would be pockets of resistance from devout worshipers of Alduin/Akatosh who would take Alduin's wrath upon the world as a just punishment.

What do you think about all this?
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:47 pm

I'm not sure if you would call it Alduin's wrath. Technically he's just trying to do his job. He isn't trying to punish anyone, which kinda put's a new spin on him now that I think of it.

This should shake thing's up though as far as the established religions go. Who'd want to worship a god that tried to kill you and had his ass kicked by a mortal?
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:57 pm

I'm not sure if you would call it Alduin's wrath. Technically he's just trying to do his job. He isn't trying to punish anyone, which kinda put's a new spin on him now that I think of it.

This should shake thing's up though as far as the established religions go. Who'd want to worship a god that tried to kill you and had his ass kicked by a mortal?

There was mention in an article that Alduin is imprisoned and now he is free. Remember 'We should have acted... now they're already here."? I think Alduin is pretty much doing the whole "wrath" thing but why is not known. He is an intelligent immortal deity.... he wouldn't be seeking to destroy a world he has helped protect from the Daedra for no reason.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:21 pm

Maybe since we can get married in Skyrim we can make little Dovahkiins, then they wouldn't be so rare and Alduin and his dragon buddies would be gone for good.
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u gone see
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Post » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:23 am

The religion of the Nine is the largest heretical group out there, and the merrish pantheon is full of blasphemy.

And in my opinion, the dovakiin will be the avatar of the space god, known in the merrish tongue as Lorkhan, a new shezarrine to push back the mer and their gods.
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Solène We
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:49 pm

I won't worship the Nine, but their believers don't seem to be as hazardous, self-righteous and fanatics as...ahem, "other" religions as to destroy them. So I pretty much won't care about it.

Nordic pantheon comes first though. Go Shor! And thanks for Sovngarde! :D
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:02 pm

I would encourage the people to worship me, the Dovahkiin, for the purpose of creating a new, better nation in an attempt to halt the destructive civil war that claims the lives of thousands of innocents. Alduin and his dragons really don't help much and I would hate for people to blindly worship a God who clearly hates them.

My rule would, in fact, be a dictatorship but it would be a dictatorship with "just" ruling. Or, at least, the closest I can get to such a thing... at any rate, I would be putting the civil war to an end and I would promote a sense of security in the wake of dragons devouring the country side. That is, until the dragon tide is pushed back and a new king arises... then I will gladly step away into the shadows of history, knowing that I possibly made the world, or Skyrim, a better place.

Of course, there is a chance that, if the people were to worship me, I would become just another "deity" that is blindly worshiped in hopes that I would come down and grant their prayers, which would not be true at all as, when you get down to it, I'm just a person like they are. Not a God... well, I am, but not that kind of God. Oh well, people are people...


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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:31 pm

The Nine guide and protect us from the hordes of Oblivion.
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